We had a fantastic trip up Holcombe Hill on Monday 30th March 2015. The children were very well behaved. They all walked up the hill eagerly. At the top they discussed all the different things they could see around them. Then they had fun rolling their hard boiled eggs down a little part of the hill.
Plus we had amazing weather not a drop of rain until we stepped off the coach back at Nursery.
Check out our photographs below.
Nursery trip to Cronkshawfold Farm, Helmshore is on the 12th May for morning children and 15th May for afternoon children. Please make sure you return your child's slip signed.
Please keep checking our Nursery class page as we will share information with yourselves on this page. We will also share what your child has been doing through photographs.
Please feel free to come into Nursery and talk to any member of the Nursery staff if you have any questions at any time.
Today the children have brought their teddy bears into Nursery and we went on a teddy bears picnic. First we had to find all the bears hiding in the park. Then we found a nice area to sit down and have our picnic. It was great fun!
Today the Children have been reading the story 'Whatever Next!'. They made their own shape rockets and buns. They then went for a picnic on the moon just like the baby bear did in the story. Have a look at our photographs below. Our buns smelled delicious and tasted even better.