Year 5
“With God, all things are possible” Matthew 19:26
Spring 1
We are using Maths No Problem resources focusing on Fractions, Percentages and Decimals.
We will also continue our daily Arithmetic/ TT Rock Stars morning work alongside this.
The Lost Thing by Shaun Tan
Using the film and text of Shaun Tan’s The Lost Thing, children initially engage with the themes of the story and make predictions about its content. They then engage with the story in order to retell the main events to one another. This then leads to a series of innovations upon the story structure and children create their own ‘lost things’, creating a story plan. In the final part, children write their own lost thing narratives, based upon their story plan.
The Island by Armin Greder
In this three-week Writing Root, children begin by being given a range of scenario cards that they are asked to rank from ‘least’ to ‘most’ welcoming. They will then explore the nuances in the language used by Armin Greder as they share the text, The Island. Themes of prejudice and hostility are explored as well as delving into the mindset of the island’s inhabitants. Children will infer different character’s feelings, exploring the character of the fisherman in particular through the technique of teacher in role, before receiving a letter asking for advice and writing a reply that uses the subjunctive mood. Children write a short news bulletin using the perfect tense before making an analysis of the text and comparing two groups of people. Finally, the children will be sent a letter from the man, outlining his experiences and explaining that although he has been mistreated, he is not bitter. He explains what happened once he was pushed away from the island on his raft. A section of unpublished text is discovered and, using this as a stimulus, the children write a narrative sequel from the man’s perspective, focusing in particular on using dialogue to convey the character and advance the action as well as the device of question tags in order to include imagined conversations between the fisherman and the outsider.
In Science the children will be learning all about Space.
Pupils will be taught to:
describe the movement of the Earth and other planets relative to the sun in the solar system
describe the movement of the moon relative to the Earth
describe the sun, Earth and moon as approximately spherical bodies
use the idea of the Earth’s rotation to explain day and night and the apparent movement of the sun across the sky.
In History, we are learning about the Anglo-Saxons. We will compare Anglo-Saxon life with modern living, learn about famous battles during this period of time, where the Angles, Saxons and Jutes came from, and much more. Our Golden Threads in History this half term will be Society, Beliefs and Conflict/ Invasion.
Our question this half term is "How do Christians decide how to live? What would Jesus do?"
Life Education
Our topic this half term is Citizenship, where we will be learning about the role of pressure groups, diversity in society, environmental issues, the importance of caring for others, freedom of expression and how parliament works.
Our topic this half term is Drawing: I need space. We will be learning about retrofuturism, evaluating images, selecting textures for a collagraph plate, and creating drawings and notes to generate ideas for a final composition.
TT Rock Stars
The children all have a home login for Times Tables Rock Stars. Please encourage your child to access the website at home as this will give them much needed practice of the times tables they are unsure of. Children will be taking part in TTRS in class every day.
Please click below to assess the TTRS website
This year, our PE lessons will take place on Monday afternoons. Year 5 must come to school wearing their full PE kit every Monday. Earrings must be removed and a water bottle and outdoor coat will be required.
This half term's focus is Dance.
To help your child learn their spellings, please encourage them to play on Spelling Shed by going on
This half term's unit is called Melody and Harmony in music: composing and chords.
This half term our topic is Data Handling.
Pupils who are secure will be able to:
Identify some types of data the Mars Rover could collect (for example, photos).
Explain how the Mars Rover transmits the data back to Earth and the challenges involved.
Read any number in binary, up to eight bits.
Identify input, processing and output on the Mars Rovers.
Read binary numbers and grasp the concept of binary addition.
Relate binary signals (Boolean) to a simple character-based language, ASCII.
Reading Books
Year 5 will continue to use Accelerated Reader. They will complete a quiz on every book they read and then receive a new reading book. Please make sure your child reads with an adult every day after school. It is essential that your child engages in reading for pleasure, as this helps to improve vocabulary and comprehension skills. Please support your child to join in with our 'read around the world' reading incentive by encouraging them to read for pleasure for at least 10 minutes every evening.
If you have any questions or are able to support us in any of our curriculum areas, please speak to us after school. We are always here to help.
Autumn 2
We are using Maths No Problem resources focusing on Multiplication & Division, Word Problems and Graphs.
We will also continue our daily TT Rock Stars alongside this.
The Tempest by William Shakespeare. During this sequence of learning, children have the chance to explore the themes, ideas and characters in the play, as well as writing opportunities, such as character descriptions and comparisons, scene/setting descriptions and diary entries. They also explore the conventions of writing playscripts, including (characterisation through) dialogue, stage directions and how to convey action, as well as some Shakespearean conventions, such as the iambic pentameter. The Writing Root culminates in children having the opportunity to write their own ‘tempest’ story to be read or performed.
Following this, we have a four-week Writing Root taking children on an adventure with the greatest of heroes - Odysseus - as he battles great monsters, gods and mortals on his voyage home to Ithaca. Through the sequence of learning children discover multiple reasons to make a speech: to make a proclamation, for persuasive purposes, and for personal reflection. They will write in role as Odysseus himself, as well as record dialogue and their own take on a key scene in the style of the author. Following research into the Greek Gods and a variety of ancient Greek monsters, the children will write their own epic adventure story based on their own invented character who encounters multiple trials on their journey home.
Our topic this half term is Animals, including Humans. We describe the changes as humans develop to old age. Pupils also draw a timeline to indicate stages in the growth and development of humans. They work scientifically by researching the gestation periods of other animals and comparing them with humans by finding out and recording the length and mass of a baby as it grows.
In Geography, we are learning about The Americas. We will be locating the continents and countries within them, identifying human and physical features, learning about the climate zones and biomes of these continents, as well as using map work effectively.
Our question this half term is "What does it mean if Christians believe God is holy and loving?"
Life Education
We are learning about health and wellbeing, which includes: relaxation, the importance of rest, embracing failure, going for goals, feelings and healthy eating.
Our topic this half term is Food: What could be healthier? We will be learning about where our food produce comes from, before designing our own healthy recipe and cooking up a delicious meal!
We will be learning about shopping in France! We aim to recognise numbers written in word form, build and pronounce 2-digit numbers, ensure the correct gender and article spellings are used, learning the names of foods and talking about their quantities.
TT Rock Stars
The children all have a home login for Times Tables Rock Stars. Please encourage your child to access the website at home as this will give them much needed practice of the times tables they are unsure of. Children will be taking part in TTRS in class every day.
Please click below to assess the TTRS website
This year, our PE lessons will take place on Mondays. Year 5 must come to school wearing their full PE kit every Monday. Earrings must be removed and a water bottle and outdoor coat will be required.
This term's focus is fundamental movements during games.
To help your child learn their spellings, please encourage them to play on Spelling Shed by going on
This half term, Bury Music Service will be teaching Year 5 to sing and play in different styles, using their skills from the previous half term's chair drumming to support our music-making!
This half term's Computing topic is Computing systems and networks: Search engines. Here we will explain search engines and know how to effectively used them, learn how to fact-check information found online, explain why key words are important, recognise the terms 'copyright' and 'fair use', before making parallels between book searching and internet searching.
Reading Books
5B will continue to use Accelerated Reader. They will complete a quiz on every book they read and then receive a new reading book. Please make sure your child reads with an adult every day after school. It is essential that your child engages in reading for pleasure, as this helps to improve vocabulary and comprehension skills. Please support your child to join in with our 'read around the world' reading incentive by encouraging them to read for pleasure for at least 10 minutes every evening.
If you have any questions or are able to support us in any of our curriculum areas, please speak to us after school. We are always here to help.
Autumn 1
We are going to be asking, 'Where are we going and who will we meet?' throughout every unit of work. We will be travelling around the world and meeting many significant individuals. I am sure you will really enjoy the topics.
If you have any questions, do not hesitate to speak to us before or after school.
We are using Maths No Problem resources focusing on Place Value and Addition & Subtraction.
We will also continue our daily TT Rock Stars alongside this.
Year 5 are reading and analysing The Man Who Walked Between the Towers, by Mordicai Gerstein. In this 3+ week Writing Unit, children explore how a real-life story has been portrayed as fiction. They consider a diary entry found written by Philippe Petit just before he leaves to walk between the towers and write letters of advice to him, considering the pros and cons. After reading up to the point of the act, children write a recount in the first person as the main character. As witnesses and reporters, they create news updates for The New York Times or write content for an American news programme. They also role play making a speech as Philippe Petit in court, defending himself and his actions. Finally, the children gather everything they have learnt about Philippe Petit and write a biographical account of his life, researching where needed to fill in gaps about childhood and events prior to this.
Following this, we will read Hidden Figures by Margot Lee Shetterly and illustrated by Laura Freeman in which children learn about the achievements and determination of four iconic women at key moments in American and world history. This provides the inspiring context for children to write for a range of purposes and for different formal and informal contexts. References will be made to the Young Readers' Edition of the text (which can be read in conjunction) as well as the 2016 movie directed by Theodore Melfi of the same name.
This half term, we are learning about Materials. We will be describing solids, liquids and gases, describing and comparing properties, performing an insulation investigation, learning about magnetic materials, dissolving and separating mixtures.
In History, we are learning about Ancient Islamic Civilisations. We are discovering the importance of Baghdad, how Ancient Islamic Scholars were inventors and teachers, and about Arabesque artwork.
Our question this half term is "What is it like to be a Muslim in Britain today?"
Life Education
We are learning about relationships, exploring concepts such as friendships, respect, resolving conflict, family life, stereotyping and change & loss.
Our topic this half term is Painting and Mixed Media. We are creating poetry portraits, self-portraits, changing faces and mixed-media portraits.
In Music, we are lucky to have Bury Music Service providing our curriculum! Our focus for this half term is Musical Futures: chair drumming.
This half term, we will be revising some previously known words, using dictionaries to research the meaning of relevant vocabulary, recognising and sorting nouns by gender and number, and recognising rules of agreement in longer phrases, all in the context of French monster pets!
TT Rock Stars
The children all have a home login for Times Tables Rock Stars. Please encourage your child to access the website at home as this will give them much needed practice of the times tables they are unsure of. Children will be taking part in TTRS in class every day.
Please click below to assess the TTRS website
This year, our PE lessons will take place on Monday afternoons mornings. Year 5 must come to school wearing their full PE kit every Monday. Earrings must be removed and a water bottle and outdoor coat will be required.
This term's focus is Netball.
This will be taught each week. Our focus this half term is programming music using Scratch. We will be tinkering with code, explaining how their program links to a theme, correcting and debugging mistakes in code, including repetition to enhance their music, all to code a piece of music that combines a variety of structures, including loops. As well as this, there will be many other opportunities during the week to use iPads and laptops in a cross-curricular way.
Reading Books
Year 5 will continue to use Accelerated Reader. They will complete a quiz on every book they read and then receive a new reading book. Please make sure your child reads with an adult every day after school. It is essential that your child engages in reading for pleasure, as this helps to improve vocabulary and comprehension skills. Please support your child to join in with our 'read around the world' reading incentive by encouraging them to read for pleasure for at least 10 minutes every evening.
If you have any questions or are able to support us in any of our curriculum areas, please speak to us after school. We are always here to help.
The Year 5 Team!
Explore the links below to discover what our students will be learning next and to review what they learned last year
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