10th June 2020
Today i would like you to learn a new letter, the letter 'o'. Please watch the video as Miss Birks will show you the grapheme, phoneme, action and sound. I have also put the video of the song on for you to sing along with.
Begin with ordering your number cards 0-10 or 0-15. Then we are going to play a game we have already played, we are going to play pairs. Ask Mummy or Daddy to write you out another set of numbers. Then place all your number cards number side down on your table, so that you can't see the number. Then take it in turns to turn over two cards. If you turn over two with the same number then you have won those cards. If you turn over two different number cards then you have to turn them back over.
Today i would like you to help your Mummy or Daddy cook something in the kitchen. This could be some cakes or your dinner or tea. Please send me photos of what you have made on the class dojo.
Jolly Phonics letter 'o'

Surprise Visitors Part One

Surprise Visitors Part two

Surprise Visitors Part Three

Surprise Visitors Part Four