Friday 17th July
Reading Activity - Here is the final part of Chapter 7 to finish the Firework-maker's Daughter by Philip Pullman.
Link to the chapter -
Maths Activity - There is no Maths for today. You've worked hard enough!
Literacy Activity - Memories of being in Y5 - This year has been extraordinary and not like any you nor I have seen before. As it is the final day of school, I thought it would be nice to reflect on the year as a whole and write me a letter. In the letter, I would like you to include the following:
- What have you enjoyed about being in Y5;
- What will you miss about being in Y5;
- Any good or funny memories that will stay with you;
- What you will miss the most;
- What you are looking forward to doing/achieving next year.
It has been my pleasure in teaching most of you for a 2nd time and some of you for the 1st time. I feel lucky to be able to have taught you twice and I would have loved to have you again in Y6 but unfortunately that is not going to happen. Seeing the progress you have made from Y3 is superb and how much you have grown up too. I've done my best in educating you, especially during Home-learning, and I hope you all have an excellent summer holidays and a fabulous time in Y6.