14th May 2020
Today i would like you to begin by seeing if you can remember the name, sound, song and action for the letters 's' and 'a'. Next i want you to learn the next letter which is 't'. Please watch the video below of Miss Birks explaining the letter 't'. Then watch the jolly phonics letter 't' song below.
Today i would like you to begin with your finger aerobics counting forwards and backwards from 0-10. Next i want your Mummy or Daddy to hide your number cards around the house, whilst you have your eyes closed. Once all the numbers are hidden i would like you to go and see if you can find them and once you have found them, i want you to put the in the correct order.
Over the past few weeks we have been looking at different animals. So today i would like you to make some hand print animals. Please see the picture below. You can use paint or draw around your hand if you don't have any paint. You can do a hand print of your favourite animal or you could have a go at doing an alphabet of animal hand prints like on the picture.
The letter 't'