Monday 4th May
Reading Activities - Goodnight Mister Tom (Chapter 8 - School). Please listen to the chapter and tick to the box to prove you have listened to them. Literacy activity ties in with the story so listen carefully.
Maths Activity - MNP Area and Perimeter - Lesson 5 (Measuring the Area). Please watch the videos to learn how to work out the area of shapes and what to do on the workbook activity.
Link to teaching video -
Link to guidance for workbook -
Literacy Activity - Once you've listened to the chapter, there are a selection of questions to check you've understood the events of the chapter. Answer them as best as you can.
May the Fourth Be With You (Star Wars Day) - As an avid Star Wars fan, I have devised an array of interactive activities for the children to access. There are lots of art activities, computing activities, some science and digital storytelling. These are optional activities. I will keep this live on Seesaw for the children to access all week if they wish. Any work that is completed from the grid will receive bonus Dojo points - please upload onto seesaw into the file entitled StarWars activities. Screenshot examples of coding and take pictures of artwork. I'll be interested to see what you do.
Spelling Test will occur on Thursday and will be on Seesaw. I will read the word out for the children to write one each separate page. . The target is >8 (80% or more). For this week's spellings, we are looking at words that are adverbials of time. Children to complete, handwriting and word-search activities. This week's spellings are as follows:
- yesterday
- tomorrow
- later
- immediately (This is a Y5 Statutory spelling so please ensure you can spell this word)
- earlier
- eventually
- recently
- previously
- finally
- lately