Monday, 15th June
Morning Year 2,
I hope you all had a lovely weekend.
Here are today's tasks...
Lets practice some subtraction. Today I would like you to click on 'One Number' and 'Up to 20'. If you find that easy please also try 'Up to 30'
Main session
We will continue to look at money and will now focus on selecting different coins to make amounts. If you can, with permission and the help of a parent, try to look at real notes and coins. You can also look at this document to help you.
Play these games on Espresso
username: student18273
password: thomas
Afterwards I would like you to try the sheet attached below and check your work against the answers.
Remember, you can either print it, write the answers out or discuss them with a family member.
If your child finds the White Rose sheet fairly easy I have also attached an additional problem solving activity. As that suggests the questions are more tricky, take time and are to extend learning further. They get more difficult as you work through them. The answers are also provided to support you to review the work.
Today we will do a reading comprehension and return to our Africa work for the rest of the week.
Remember the answers will be in the text for you to find (retrieval) Sometimes you have to use the clues in the text to work out your answer (inference, prediction and explanation).
If you come across any words (vocabulary) in the text you don't understand - find out what it means - new words are useful in your writing.
Finally, you may need to look at the order of the text(sequence) and think about what you read first, second, third.
Use your VIPERS knowledge to help you comprehend the text!
Today we will look at a non-fiction text about 'Homes around the world'.
The text and the answers are attached below.
We are going to learn about a very important topic over the next few days which could save your life, water safety. Lots of us are going on walks and may find ourselves near to water- rivers, lakes, canals etc. It is important that you know how to stay safe.
Firstly, I'd like you to watch the video about staying safe near water- click on the link below.
Now have a go at spotting the dangers on the poster.
Using the activity pack attached below and look at slides 6 and 7 to spot some more dangers.
Now try and complete the A to Z of dangers. You don't need to print it out, just write it out on a piece of paper. You can add to it across the week.
Tomorrow we will continue with some more activities and games.