Friday 15th May
9:00am - 9:30am - Exercise time - Joe Wicks LIVE 9am - Kids Yoga - Go Noodle videos
9:30am - 10:30am MATHS
Summer term week 3 lesson 2 - Compare and Order fractions
Watch the video explanation to give you some input before attempting the worksheets.
Worksheet and answer sheets are below:
10:30am - 11:00am BREAK TIME
Make the most of your break time, you can: go for some fresh air, have a snack, colouring, watch a newsround clip, etc..
11:00am - 12:15pm LITERACY/READING
Activity 1: Become the reporter
Today, you are going to be writing your newspaper report for the final battle. I will attach a template you can use. I know some of you may choose to write more than the space provides, so you may need to adapt your layout to help you fit it all on.
Make sure you send me your newspaper reports so I can ready them! If you need to re-watch the video, I will post the link below to help you. Think about the detail you want to put in and make sure you look at your plan to help!
12:15pm - 1:15pm LUNCH TIME
1:15pm - 2:30pm FOUNDATION - SCIENCE
Today for science, you are carrying on the Evolution topic on the Oak National Academy. You will need click the link below to access the lesson:
You will need to make notes as you are watching the lesson video as it will help you complete the worksheet below.