31st March
Practice number bonds to 10
Practice your number bonds by playing the ‘total of 10’ card game. Can you think of new rules for playing this game?
Link http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SD028NO-ZGc&list=PLWIJ2KbiNEyoBDc5yLJ4PaiaY3o5E5xCB&index=5&t
Game for practicing number bonds
Lesson 2
Continue to learn about weight and mass on the White Rose hub website
Lesson 2 – Measure Mass
Watch the video and then attempt the questions.
Either print and complete, write the answers on a separate sheet or discuss the answers with an adult or older brother or sister.
Continue with your sunflower diary from last week. Is your sunflower beginning to grow? How have you been looking after it?
Also don’t forget to continue to write about your day in your daily dairy.
Read the book with you parents and ask your parents to ask questions about what you have read.
Go onto Purple Mash and login with your details (Most of these are stuck in your reading diary)
I have set two 2Dos for art based on the Great Fire of London. You can do one or both. One is to draw what the houses looked like, remember we spent time learning about this and the other is what Samuel Pepys would have seen out of his window.
Click on this link and it will take you to our school portal page where you just need to use your details to log in.
Click on 2Dos and the work will be there. Remember to save it!