3oth March 2020
Today in phonics i would like you to continue with finding items beginning with the initial sounds 'e', 'f', 'g' and 'h'. For example an egg, a flower. Post a picture of what you find on your Class Dojo.
In maths today i would like you to do your finger aerobics counting from 0-10 and then backwards. Then i would like your Mummies or Daddies to make some activity cards (See photo below). When they have done this i would like them to hide them around the house and then for you to go and find them. Every time you find them you have to do what it says on the card for example jump 5 times. Make sure you do the action for the correct amount of times.
Today i would like you to learn the rhyme 'Incy Wincy Spider' ( i will put the song on below). Then i would like you to make your own spider puppet to use whilst singing the song.
Also don't forget to vote for the story you would like to hear today on the Class Dojo.