To start today's phonics please can you recap all of your phase 3 and phase 5 sounds.You can use your sound mats or you could use the flash cars on phonics play
Can you now practise your tricky words- You need to be able to read and spell these
For our last week we are going to be recapping the sounds through different activities.
Today we want you to..
Lesson 3- Writing time
Watch the following video and complete the answer sheet below.
Ask an adult to check your work once you have completed it.
Have a look at the letter below that we have been sent by Pippety Skycap. He would like us to make a rainbow memory card by collecting different objects in the different colours of the rainbow. He love rainbows and they always make him feel very happy!

You can collect actual objects or cut pictures from magazines or draw your own.
Here’s one I made.
Hi everybody. Today is the last couple of days before we start the summer holidays. I have attached a summer activity booklet for you to enjoy. Have fun!!