8th June 2020
Today i would like you to practise the letters we have learnt so far 's, a, t, p, i, n, m, d. Practise the name, sound, song and action. Please log onto phonics play and Phase 2. Then select 'Grab a Giggling Grapheme'. Please play with the letters s, a, t, p and then + i, n, m, d.
Today begin my ordering your number cards as fast as you can. Next log into Espresso Discovery. Click onto Foundation and then onto Maths.
Once on there click on Numbers 0-20 and the activities 'know the number'. From here select the activity called 'find the number 0-5'.
To celebrate our caterpillars having turned into beautiful butterflies. I would like you to make me a beautiful butterfly. You can paint, colour, make out of tubes. Please post a photograph on the class dojo.