22nd May 2020
Today i would like you to continue practising the phonemes (letter sounds) that you have been learning by playing a game on Phonics Play (see link below). You need to log on and click on Phase 2. Then click on Buried Treasure. Once on here there are two games you can play. Firstly select the phase 2 option and then '+i'. Play that game then go back and select '+n'. On this game you need to say the sounds of the letters and try and put the sounds together to make the word. Once you have made the word you need to think is the word real or made up. If it is real drag the coin to the treasure chest. If the word is made up drag the coin to the bin.
Today i would like you to do your finger aerobics counting from 0-10 and back. Then play 'show me'. Your Mummy or Daddy need to say a number and you have to show them that many fingers. Next i would like you to go on a rectangle hunt around your house and garden. How many rectangles can you find?
Today i would like you all to make Eid cards for you family. Don't forget to post a picture of your Eid cards on the class dojo.