7th January 2021
For your maths today I would like you to have a go at estimating. Estimating is guessing how many items you think there are without counting. Ask your child to gather some items and then use some of them to make a pile. Ask your child to estimate how many items they think are in the pile. Next count out the items to check how close their estimation was. Repeat with different items, making different piles.
Today for your phonics i would like you to join in the action rhyme and then have a go at changing the actions on lines 1, 3, 5 and 7. Then act out your new action rhyme that you have created.
Action Rhyme
Clap your hands (1)
Stamp your feet (2)
Slap your thighs (3)
To the Tig Tog beat (4)
Pat your cheeks (5)
Beat your chest (6)
Now sit down (7)
And have a rest! (8)
Our topic this half term is all about dinosaurs. Today i would like you to ask your child if they can tell you what they know about dinosaurs. Write down all they ideas and what they say, even if you know what they are telling you is wrong. Keep this paper safe and then hopefully we can correct their misconceptions as we work our way through the topic. At the end of the topic we can get this piece of paper out again and the children can add their new knowledge on and cross off any misconceptions.