Tuesday, 31st March
Hello Year 2,
I hope you're staying safe and keeping active.
Yesterday, after we'd all finished our work Lucy, Emilia and myself made a chocolate cake, it was yummy. Have you been doing any baking or cooking?
Maths |
Continue to work on fractions using the White Rose Hub website. Lesson 4: Recognise a quarter
https://whiterosemaths.com/homelearning/year-2/ Complete the worksheet- remember you can either print it, write the answers out or discuss them with a family member. |
Literacy | Complete the final 2 reading comprehensions on the Great Fire of London. Each time you do these you are adding to your knowledge.
We have looked at these sheets previously on different topics and they use our VIPERS skills. Remember to take your time with these as many of the answers really require thought. Make sure you have actually answered the questions.
Remember- You can print out page 1 on each to complete or you can write the answers out. |
Foundation |
We would have been learning about the season Spring. I know that you did some learning on this last year so today I would like you to create a spring picture to support some work we will do.
Go onto Purple Mash and login with your details (Most of these are stuck in your reading diary)
Click on this link and it will take you to our school portal page where you just need to use your details to log in.
Click on 2Dos and the work will be there. Remember to save it!