Year 5
Welcome to Year 5!
This half term, our focus will be on Earth and Space as we answer the question, 'Will we ever send another human to the moon?' In literacy, we will work on writing formal persuasive letters. Decimals and Percentages are our units of work in Maths this half term. Read our medium term plan to find out more.
Children will require their P.E. kits every Wednesday, Thursday and Friday. They should leave it in school until the half term holiday. This will ensure that they don’t regularly forget their P.E. kit. The children will need either pumps or trainers as the children will participate in outdoor and indoor activities throughout the term. If your child doesn’t have the correct footwear, they may not be able to participate in certain activities, which would have a negative impact on their physical development.
Spellings – Children will be given a spelling list every Wednesday, please ensure your child practices these as they will be tested on these spellings on the following Wednesday. To support them further, encourage children to form sentences with the words given.
Learning log – Children will be given learning log challenges each term which is linked to the work they have been covering throughout the topic. This needs to be handed in on specific dates, please take this opportunity to work with your child and tackle the challenges with a creative, imaginative mind that celebrates you child's ideas.