How you can help your child with their phonics.
In school your child will take part in daily phonics sessions and it is important to carry this on with your child at home.
1. Reading phase 3 and 5 sounds
In your pack you will have been given a sound mat for phase 3 and 5. This can be used in phonics but also within writing to help your child.
Have a look at phonics play- Your child might like reading the sounds on the car game. How long does it take you?
2. Reading tricky words. Phase 3,4,5
Read all of the tricky words with your child. Some days you could ask your child to write some of them.
These are also on phonics play using the tricky word trucks. Can you time how long it takes you?
3. Picking a sound.
Choose a phase 5 sound with your child. This could be a sound your child might have been struggling on or a sound that has been coming up in their reading book.
4. Reading and writing words containing the sound.
Ask your child to read the sound then give them some words with the sound in to read and write.
Have a look at the document below which has examples for some words containing phase 5 sounds. Y
This website might help you if your not sure what the different sounds make.
Your child might like playing some phonics games. Have a look at phonics play.