5th May 2020
For your phonics today i would like you to think about the sounds of the letters in your name and practise writing your name.
For your maths i would like you to begin by ordering your number cards from 1-10. Next i would like you to get a plate of either raisins or cereal pieces. Then get an empty plate. Ask your Mummy or Daddy to tell you a number. I want you to put that amount of raisins or cereal on your empty plate. Next if your Mummy or Daddy says 'one more' can you add one more and say what number you have? If your Mummy or Daddy says 'one less', can you eat one then count the number you have left?
We have been looking at baby animals and their Mummies and Daddies. Today i would like you to think about when you were a baby. Ask Mummy and Daddy to show you some photographs of when you were a baby, did you look like your Mummy or Daddy?. Ask your Mummy and Daddy to tell you what you could/could not do. Now think about what you can do now. You could maybe post a picture on the class dojo showing you holding your baby picture.
Pig Gets Lost Part One

Pig Gets Lost Part Two

Pig Gets Lost Part Three