Year 4
A huge welcome to all of our children and families. Please read this page to keep up to date with our focus for learning throughout the year. We are going to be asking, 'Where are we going and who are we going to meet?' throughout every unit of work. We will be travelling around the world and meeting many significant individuals. I am sure you will really enjoy the topics this year. I will share our learning further here on the website.
All of our Autumn1 learning is listed below. If you have any questions do not hesitate to speak to me before or after school or send a message on Parent Hub during school hours.
Autumn 1
This term, we will be focusing on place value. We will also be revising addition and subtraction and solving word problems. We will be learning written methods for multiplication and division and recall multiplication and division facts for multiplication tables up to 12 × 12.
Times Tables
Quick recall of multiplication facts are vital for your children to gain confidence and fluency in both mental and written calculations. They should be practising for at least 10 minutes every day using the TTRS app, aiming to increase their accuracy and speed.
As you know, the Government has introduced a multiplication check at the end of Year 4. Please support your child to do as well as they can in this national test.
Please click below to assess the TTRS website
This half term, our focus text is 'Werewolf Club Rules’ by the current Children’s Poet Laureate Joseph Coelho. The children will be exploring features of poetry and analysing many poems. The children will also explore the feelings and emotions of the poems whilst inferring why the poet has written the poem in this way. The children will be writing and performing their own poems in our class poetry slam!
We will continue to explore grammar within the English language and apply this knowledge in all our writing. We will be learning about alliteration, similes and metaphors, rhyme and rhyming structures, personification and onomatopoeia.
Every Monday, your child will be given their new spelling lists. Please take time to help your child learn these spellings each week and they will be tested on Fridays. The children will be introduced to different methods to help them to learn the spelling rules. To help your child learn their spellings, please encourage them to recap the meaning of words and write them in sentences.
In Autumn 1, we are going to be learning about Living Things and their Habitats. We will be able to recognise that living things can be grouped in a variety of ways and we will be using classification keys to help group, identify and name a variety of living things in their wider environment.
In Autumn 1, our RE lessons are going to be focusing on Hinduism. We will be learning about Hindu gods, Hindu worship and Hindu symbolism.
This term, we will study of Ancient Greece. We will be finding out about Greek gods and goddesses, recalling facts about how ancient Greeks lived, the importance of Athens and Sparta and understanding how we still use their ideas today.
Our first Art topic will be 'Power Print' where children will develop an awareness of proportion, composition and pattern.
Life Skills
We will be learning about families and relationships. This includes respect and manners, healthy friendships and thinking about how our behaviour affects others.
P.E lessons will take place every Tuesday. Our focus this half term is netball skills and children must come to school wearing their full PE kit. Earrings must be removed and they will need a water bottle.
This is the PE kit your child is required to wear:
Black shorts/tracksuit bottoms/leggings
Red t-shirt
Pumps or trainers
This term, Year 4 will be learning how to play the violins.
Computing systems and networks: Collaborative learning.
Working collaboratively in a responsible and considerate way as well as looking at a range of collaborative tools.
Reading Books
We will continue to use Accelerated Reader. The children will complete a quiz on every book they read and then receive a new reading book. Please make sure your child reads with an adult every day. It is essential that your child engages in reading for pleasure as this helps to improve vocabulary and comprehension skills.
If you have any questions or are able to support us in any of our curriculum areas, please speak to us before or after school. We are always here to help.
We will be completing this unit.
The children will be telling the time on a 24-hour clock. Also changing minutes to seconds as well as changing hours to minutes. Learning to solve problems in duration of time and change years to months and weeks to days. Then solving word problems involving time.
The children will be learning how to write in tenths and hundredths and to write decimals to one and two decimal places. They will be comparing and ordering decimals and rounding decimals to the nearest whole number, whilst writing fractions as decimals and dividing whole numbers by 10 and 100.
Please ensure your child is continuing to practice their times tables every day for 10 minutes.
Click below to assess the TTRS website
As you know, the Multiplication Tables Check will be completed in June. Please support your child to do as well as they can in this national test.
You can find out more here:
This half term, our focus text is 'Werewolf Club Rules’ by the current Children’s Poet Laureate Joseph Coelho. The children will be exploring features of poetry and analysing many poems. The children will also explore the feelings and emotions of the poems whilst inferring why the poet has written the poem in this way. The children will be writing and performing their own poems in our class poetry slam!
We will continue to explore grammar within the English language and apply this knowledge in all our writing. We will be learning about alliteration, similes and metaphors, rhyme and rhyming structures, personification and onomatopoeia.
Every Friday, your child will be given their new spelling list. Please take time to help your child learn these spellings each week and they will be tested on the following Friday. The children will be introduced to different methods to help them to learn the spelling rules. To help your child learn their spellings, please encourage them to recap the meaning of words and write them in sentences.
This term will be exploring sound. Identifying how sounds are made and associating them with something vibrating. Recognising that vibrations from sound travel through a medium to the ear. Also finding patterns between the pitch and the volume of a sound and the features of an object that made the sound. Recognising that sounds get fainter as the distance from the sound source increases.
What kind of world did Jesus want?
The children will explore stories from the Gospel – meaning ‘Good News’. They will think about what Jesus taught about love and respecting our fellow man. What would that look like? How could we show this?
Life Education
Safety and the changing body
Building awareness of online safety and the benefits and risks of sharing information online; identifying the difference between private and public; age restrictions; exploring the physical and emotional changes in puberty; the risks associated with tobacco; knowing how to help someone with asthma.
This term, we will be studying the Georgians. We will be ordering dates, key events and features on a timeline. We will meet King George I, II, III and IV, research what life was like in the Georgian era and explain their impact on modern day Britain.
Craft and Design- Fabric of Nature
Using the flora and fauna of tropical rainforests as a starting point, children develop drawings through experimentation and textile-based techniques to design a repeating pattern suitable for fabric.
This will be taught by Technola every Tuesday
This year, our P.E lessons will take place on Friday mornings. The children must come to school wearing their full PE kit every Friday. Earrings must be removed and they will need a water bottle and outdoor coat.
This is the PE kit your child is required to wear:
Black shorts/tracksuit bottoms/leggings
Red t-shirt
Black pumps or trainers
This term's focus is Striking and Fielding.
French numbers, calendars and birthdays
The children will learn French numbers 1-31, the days of the week, months of the year, dates and seasons through maths and songs and class surveys; they will research dates of French festivals and revise the unit by having a traditional French birthday celebration in the classroom.
Reading books
We will continue to use Accelerated Reader. The children will complete a quiz on every book they read and then receive a new reading book. Please make sure your child reads with an adult every day. It is essential that your child engages in reading for pleasure as this helps to improve vocabulary and comprehension skills.
If you have any questions or are able to support us in any of our curriculum areas, please speak to us before or after school. We are always here to help.
Spring 2
We are using Maths No Problem resources focusing on Graphs and Fractions.
We will also continue our daily TT Rock Stars alongside this. As the MTC is approaching children will also get time every day in class to go on TTRS and practice their times tables.
This will involve drawing both line and bar graphs and reading information from graphs. We will also start learning about fractions which will include finding equivalent fractions, simplifying both mixed numbers and improper Fractions along with adding and subtracting fractions.
This term, our topic in geography is Mountains, Volcanoes and Earthquakes. In this topic, we will be continuing to focus on our golden threads and implement them throughout. This topic will be very engaging and interesting for the children and will link closely to our core text focus in English. Our topic will include locating mountains from a map, learning about how volcanoes erupt and thinking about which type of volcanic eruption is the most powerful, learning about how mountains are formed focussing in on the physical side of geography.
The book we will be focussing on this term will be The Pebble in my Pocket by Meredith Hooper. This is about a fascinating history of the earth as it takes readers on a scientific adventure through time and across the globe by following the journey of a single pebble over millions of years. This book will link closely to our geography topic on Mountains, Volcanoes and Earthquakes. We will be aiming to write an information leaflet from reading this book with the focus being to inform people about the importance to help stop climate change.
Our topic this term in science is Animals including Humans. Children will learn about the importance of the digestive system. They will learn the names and functions of each part of the system. By the end of this topic children will be able to identify the different types of teeth in humans and their purpose. Throughout this topic, children will have the opportunity to make predictions along with setting up comparative and fair tests, observing, measuring, recording data, interpreting and communicating results to then lead on to evaluating. Following our curriculum of ‘Where are we going? And Who will we meet?’ We will explore the work of scientists such as William Beaufort.
We will be making our own slingshot cars.
The water cycle
Life Education
Our topic this term is Economic wellbeing this will require the children to be able to identify and justify items they consider good value for money, identify multiple factors that influence whether something is good value for money and understand the importance of tracking spending, identify different ways to keep money safe and identify a range of influences on job choices.
P.E lessons will take place every Friday. The children must come to school wearing their full PE kit. Earrings must be removed and they will need a water bottle.
This is the PE kit your child is required to wear:
Black shorts/tracksuit bottoms/leggings
Red t-shirt
Pumps or trainers
This term's focus is Dance.
Spelling Shed is our new spelling scheme. The children are enjoying exploring the games online and spelling activities in class.
Every Friday, your child will be given their new spelling lists. Please take time to help your child learn these spellings each week. Your child has been given their own log in and can access the games and assignments from home. They will be tested each Friday.
The children will be introduced to different methods to help them to learn the spelling rules. To help your child learn their spellings, please encourage them to recap the meaning of words and write them in sentences.
This term Year 4 will have violin lessons every Monday.
This will be taught by Technola every Tuesday.
Reading Books
We will continue to use Accelerated Reader. The children will complete a quiz on every book they read and then receive a new reading book. Please make sure your child reads with an adult every day after school. It is essential that your child engages in reading for pleasure as this helps to improve vocabulary and comprehension skills.
If you have any questions or are able to support us in any of our curriculum areas, please speak to us before or after school. We are always here to help
Spring 1
This term, we will be focusing on further multiplication and division and ensuring that we are consolidating our times tables up to 2 x 12 in order to prepare for our times table check in summer. We will also be looking at Roman numerals linking to our Roman Britain topic in history. In addition, we will be learning about graphs and handling data.
The children have logins for Times Tables Rock Stars. They can access the app at home on a laptop or tablet. Please encourage your child to access the website at home as this will give them much needed practice of the Times Tables they are unsure of. Children will be taking part in TTRS in class every day.
Please click below to assess the TTRS website
This term, we will be reading The Miraculous Journey of Edward Tulane by Kate DiCamillo. The novel contains several themes involving loss and recovery, kindness and compassion, and the journey to self-discovery. We will be aiming to write an Autobiography and create a persuasive poster from this text.
In grammar and punctuation lessons, we will be focusing on the Year 4 objectives starting with plurals.
This term, we will be learning about states of matter. We will be learning the differences between solids, liquids and gases, and how different materials can change state. We will have plenty of opportunities to undertake practical experiments to help pupils understand the processes of evaporation and condensation, and the water cycle, as well as pupils having the chance to express their understanding in a variety of ways.
This term, we are going to learn about the Romans and their empire in Britain, as well as how the legacy of their invasion and settlement can still be seen and experienced today, we will be linking this topic around our golden threads; Beliefs, Settlements, Society & Conflict . In addition, children will have the opportunity to take part in a workshop this term surrounding the topic Roman Britain.
What is it like for someone to follow God?
Children will be learning about Christianity this term
Life Skills
This term we will be focusing on Citizenship, this topic will include looking at human rights, caring for the environment and community.
This term, we will be using mixed media with a focus of light and dark. Children will be experimenting with paint mixing colours to discover light and dark tones and adding texture to their work using items such as salt.
P.E lessons will take place every Wednesday afternoon. The children must come to school wearing their full PE kit. Earrings must be removed and they will need a water bottle.
This is the PE kit your child is required to wear:
Black shorts/tracksuit bottoms/leggings
Red t-shirt
Pumps or trainers
This term's focus is Gymnastics.
This year we have introduced Spelling Shed as our new spelling scheme. The children are enjoying exploring the games online and spelling activities in class.
Every Friday, your child will be given their new spelling lists. Please take time to help your child learn these spellings each week. Your child has been given their own log in and can access the games and assignments from home. They will be tested each Friday.
The children will be introduced to different methods to help them to learn the spelling rules. To help your child learn their spellings, please encourage them to recap the meaning of words and write them in sentences.
This term Year 4 will have violin lessons every Monday.
This will be taught by Technola every Tuesday. Look on Dojo for further information and photographs of our activities.
Reading Books
We will continue to use Accelerated Reader. The children will complete a quiz on every book they read and then receive a new reading book. Please make sure your child reads with an adult every day after school. It is essential that your child engages in reading for pleasure as this helps to improve vocabulary and comprehension skills.
If you have any questions or are able to support us in any of our curriculum areas, please speak to us before or after school. We are always here to help.
Autumn 2
Multiplication and Division
Pupils will learn how to multiply and divide by 6, 7, 9, 11 and 12. They will learn how to calculate multiplication equations using the multiplication facts that they know.
They will understand the difference between sharing and grouping and they will understand the commutative law in multiplication.
Times Tables
Quick recall of multiplication facts are vital for your children to gain confidence and fluency in both mental and written calculations. They should be practising for at least 10 minutes every day using the TTRS app, aiming to increase their accuracy and speed.
As you know, the Government has introduced a multiplication check at the end of Year 4. Please support your child to do as well as they can in this national test.
Please click below to assess the TTRS website
4B are reading and analysing Varjak Paw by SF. Said. We will be writing our own newspaper report based on the novel.
We are going to carry on learning about Living Things and their Habitats. We will be able to recognise that living things can be grouped in a variety of ways and we will be using classification keys to help group, identify and name a variety of living things in their wider environment.
In Geography, we are learning about European Countries, Cities and the Mediterranean. We will be identifying human and physical features, learning about the climate zones, time zones, as well as using map work effectively.
Life Education
We are learning about health and wellbeing, which includes: relaxation, the importance of rest, embracing mistakes, going for goals, feelings and healthy eating.
Our topic this half term is Structure: Pavilion. We will be learning about what a good pavilion looks like in order to create an effective one for Rudolph the Reindeer!
To help your child learn their spellings, please encourage them to play on Spelling Shed by going on
This term, Year 4 will be learning how to play the violins every Monday morning.
P.E lessons will take place every Wednesday afternoon. The children must come to school wearing their full PE kit. Earrings must be removed and they will need a water bottle.
This is the PE kit your child is required to wear:
Black shorts/tracksuit bottoms/leggings
Red t-shirt
Pumps or trainers
This will be taught by Technola every Tuesday
Reading Books
We will continue to use Accelerated Reader. The children will complete a quiz on every book they read and then receive a new reading book. Please make sure your child reads with an adult every day. It is essential that your child engages in reading for pleasure as this helps to improve vocabulary and comprehension skills.
If you have any questions or are able to support us in any of our curriculum areas, please speak to us before or after school. We are always here to help.