Year 6
Welcome to Year 6
We have organised many activities for this half term. Please make a note of the diary dates below.
Diary dates Summer 2
Buddhist Centre trip 20th June 2017
Y6 Road Safety show 22nd June 2017
Bury Church transition day 27th June 2017
Elton and The Derby transition day 28th June 2017
Broad Oak transition day 4th July 2017
Y6 trip to The CommuniTree, Summerseat 12th July 2017
Y6 Leavers' meal 13th July 2017 at 5pm
Mela 18th July 2017 1pm and 6pm
Talent show 19th July 2017
Y6 Leavers' assembly 20th July 2017 9.15am
School closes 20th July 2017 2pm
Learning log homework has been set for this half term to be handed in on Friday 14th July
Children need to have their PE kits in school for the half term so that they are available for PE lessons on Thursday and Friday.
Y6 are encouraged to have a water bottle in school that can be refilled throughout the day.
Curriculum Bonanza
Thank you to everyone who took part in our Curriculum Bonanza event. We are so pleased with the amount of visitors who attended and the fantastic feedback we received about the curriculum at St Thomas's.
Enterprise Week
The winner of Y6 best invention was Usmaan with his study lamp. Well done to all of Y6 for their creative
Please see our medium term planning document and let us know if you can help with any of our topics.
Mrs James, Mrs McQuilton-Morgan and Mrs Baig.
Summer planning and homework
Curriculum Bonanza
Lusitania Drama
Maths No Problem
Creative curriculum
10 things to do before leaving St Thomas's
In September Y6 created a list of exciting challenges which they would like to experience before leaving primary school. So far we have taken part in the Bury'd Treasure event, walked up Holcombe Hill, made kites and flown them at the top of Holcombe Hill. Please look at our photographs.
Next we are looking forward to cooking on a camp fire and hopefully playing in the snow!
Holcombe Hill
We are very pleased with the plaque which we were presented with to mark our involvement in the 2016 Bury'd Treasure initiative.