21st May 2020
Today i would like you to practice the letters we have learnt so far. So please click on the link below for phonics play. Once on their log in and go to resources. From there click on phase 2 and then 'Grab a Giggling Grapheme'. Once on here select the option of the letters 's, a, t, p' then your ready to play.
For you maths today begin my ordering your number cards and have a game of missing numbers. So you close your eyes and Mummy or Daddy take a number away and you need to guess which number is missing. Next i would like you to have a look around your house and in your garden and see how many triangles you can find.
For your activity today i thought you could make some decorations to hang in your house ready for Eid. You could either make some star and moon bunting to hang around your house or you could make a small decoration to hang on your door. See the picture below.