Y2E & Y2H
Welcome to Year 2E and Year 2H
Welcome back!
Welcome back! We hope you have had a very enjoyable and relaxing break and are now recharged for what is going to be a very busy summer half term. Our learning challenge this half term will be ‘Why do we like to be beside the seaside?”
The children’s learning will be linked to this theme. Hopefully, they will find it exciting and enjoyable.
Below are details of your child’s weekly routine and any other additional information which may be useful.
Reading Books – The children will change their reading books twice a week, please ensure your child brings their book on Monday and Thursday for changing. Could you please sign their reading journal to show that your child has read their reading book?
Remember, it is important you read with your child for fifteen minutes every evening.
Spellings – Children will be given a spelling list every Friday, please ensure your child practices these at home.
Learning log – Children will be given homework grids that provide opportunties for the children to be creative and imaginative at home. The learning logs will be given out at the beginning of each half term, the grid will have different challenges for the children to choose from. Please take this opportunity to work with your child and produce some amazing homework.
Please do not hesitate to see me after the school day if you have any questions or need any further information.
Thank you for your anticipated support.
Kind Regards the Y2 team
Year 2 Focus Planning Overview 2015-16
Summer 2 Homework Grid
Summer 2 Curriculum Overview 2016
Summer 2 Medium Term Planning 2016
Summer 1 Homework Grid
Summer 1 Curriculum Overview 2016
Medium Term Planning Summer Term 1 2015-16
Spring 2 Homework Grid
Curricululm Overview Spring 2
Medium Term Planning - Spring 2
Medium Term Planning Spring 1 2016
Curriculum Overview Spring 1 2016
Medium Term Planning - Autumn 2
Curriculum Overview Autumn 2
Curriculum Overview Autumn Term 1
Medium Term Planning - Autumn 1
Phonics Play Please let your child explore this web site to help aid with their phonics.
My Maths Please allow your child to explore the web site and complete their assigned homework.
Literacy and Maths Games Explore this excellent website to help with your child's Literacy and Maths skills
Samuel Pepys Please look at the facts on this website
The Great Fire of London Please explore the interesting facts on this website
The Great Fire of London Please explore the facts on this website
Africa Science Facts Please look on this site for interesting facts about Africa
Africa Facts Please explore this website fot interesting facts about Africa
Giuseppe Arcimboldo Facts Please explore this web site for interesting facts on Arcimboldo
Arcimboldo Facts Please explore this web site for interesting facts on Arcimboldo
Human and Animal Facts Please explore this web site about amazing scientific facts
Bury in the past! Please look at these interesting facts about Bury in the past.
Robert Peel Please look through the imformation on Robert Peel
Robert Peel Facts Please look on this website for information on Robert Peel