Friday 3rd April 2020
Reading Task - Chapters 5 and 6 of Evacuee. These are on Seesaw. They are only short so some independent reading would be nice.
Maths Activity - There is no teaching of maths today. Rather it is a bunch of reasoning questions for the children to attempt to give me an idea of activities to do after the Easter Holidays. This is on Seesaw.
Literacy Activity - Spelling Test - This is to be accessed on Seesaw. Listen to the caption on each page, write each corresponding spelling word on the given page. 10 pages in total therefore 10 spellings to write.
There is also a reading comprehension to do. It is a poem based on Evacuees. Please complete Section A and B.
Geography Project - I would like the children to pick one of the 50 States of USA and do a little bit of a project on it. There will be a template for the children to use but I want the children to be creative. All the information provided on the template needs to be answered. The children could create a model, poster, objects or use Seesaw to produce their project. I do not expect this to be completed in a day so the children can have time to do this. Have a look at some pictures below for inspiration.