1/2 M
Welcome to a new half term! It's going to be a busy and exciting one!
In topic we will be thinking about the world we live in. We will be using atlases, a globe and maps of the world to identify where we are from and what country we live in. We will be locating the 7 continents of the world and finding out information about them. WC 11th May will be SAT's week, where our Year 2 children will be completing their statutory assessments. WC 18th is Technology week, we will be investigating materials in Science and making and evaluating our own products with different materials.
Please take time to have a look at the attached planning for this half term.
Weekly Routine Reminders
Creative Fund Money
We would appreciate a voluntary contribution of 50p per week towards class funds. This money is used to buy creative resources and books to make your child's learning as exciting as possible. Please bring the 50p each Monday morning or £3.50 for the half term.
Reading Books
Please ensure that your child brings their reading book and book bag to school to be changed every Monday and Thursday. If the books have been read and their record signed we will send them back home every Tuesday and Friday.
Learning Logs and phonics
Your child will bring home their learning logs each Friday. Please ensure that the completed logs are returned by the following Wednesday at the latest. We will also send out a set of words / sounds each week to practise in relation to your child's phonics stage. Please ensure your child practises their reading and spelling of these words.
My Maths
Please use the link below and your child's mymaths password to access any mymaths activities set. We will inform your child each time we set an extra homework activity.
P.E Kits
P.E is every Monday and Friday. Please ensure that your child’s P.E kit is in school.
Thank you very much for all your support so far this year.
Kind regards
Miss Moores and the Year 1 / 2 M team.