8th July 2020
For your phonics today i would like you to learn the grapheme, phoneme, action and song for the letter 'f'. Please watch the video below.
Begin with your finger aerobics counting forwards and backwards from 0-10 or 0-20. Next log onto 'Espresso Discovery' and click onto Foundation and then Maths. Next click on 'Number Crew Counting' and then onto 'Lotto Games'. Please play the 'Know the Number 1-5 and 1-10' games.
Today i would like you to play a memory game. Ask your Mummy or Daddy to collect different objects from around the house and put them on a tray. You need to look carefully at what is on the tray. Then your Mummy or Daddy is going to cover up the tray with a towel so you can't see what is on it. Next you have to try and remember what was on the tray and tell your Mummy or Daddy what you can remember, without peeping.
Jolly Phonics -Letter 'f'