Welcome to Year 1E
Welcome back to the first half of the summer term! I hope you have all enjoyed your Easter break. I am so pleased to see everybody and I will continue to do everything I can to ensure your children are safe and happy in school.
In Literacy, we are reading Beegu by Alexis Deacon and The Smeds and the Smoos by Julia Donaldson as our key texts.
We will be writing captions and posters as well as creating story maps and our own story based on a story with a repeating pattern. We will also be have 2 phonic lessons a day as well as daily one to one reading and guided reading sessions.
In Numeracy, we will be investigating place value and finding out more about tens and ones. We will be comparing numbers and ordering numbers looking at the tens and ones to help us. We will be counting in twos, fives and tens and investigating number patterns. We will also be solving addition and subtraction problems.
Please visit this page regularly as it will be updated with photos of our work and links to aid learning. Take a look at our planning documents to find out more about what we will be learning this year.
Children will not require their PE kits for the Summer term due to the change of uniform policy. Our PE session will be on a Tuesday afternoon so please send your children in the appropriate clothing and footwear. PE will predominantly happen outside (weather permitting).
Home Reading Books
Reading books will be changed every Friday. Please ensure that books are returned and in school on this day. Reading book, upon return, will be quarantined for 72 hours before they will be recirculated. It is important that your child reads every day. This can be done independently or with the help of an adult or older sibling. Please also ask the children questions about their book to check their understanding.
- This is an overview of our weekly learning in a timetable.
- This work can be done in any order and at times that work for you.
- All work and supporting videos will be on Class Story on Dojo each morning.
- Record your work in your maths, Early morning workbook or home learning (black book) as directed.
- Make sure your presentation is the same as you would do in school.
We all have all joined Class Dojo. If you have any problems accessing it please contact school for your access details as all learning and support videos will be added to it.
When your child has completed their work please add it to their portfolio on Class Dojo so that we can add points to their Dojo and celebrate fantastic work.
Please find below links to support different areas of the curriculum.
Welcome back everybody! I hope you have all enjoyed your half term break. I am so pleased to see everybody and I will continue to do everything I can to ensure your children are safe and happy in school.
In Literacy, we are reading a range of poetry with repeating patterns including The Sound Collector by Roger McGough. The Smartest Giant and Stickman by Julia Donaldson are our key texts.
We will be writing captions and posters as well as creating story maps and our own story based on a story with a repeating pattern. We will also be have 2 phonic lessons a day as well as daily one to one reading and guided reading sessions.
In Numeracy, we will continue to investigate number bonds and find out more about addition and subtraction within 10.
Please visit this page regularly as it will be updated with photos of our work and links to aid learning. Take a look at our planning documents to find out more about what we will be learning this year.
Children will not require their PE kits for the Autumn term due to the change of uniform policy. Our PE session will be on a Tuesday afternoon so please send your children in the appropriate clothing and footwear. PE will predominantly happen outside (weather permitting).
Home Reading Books
Reading books will be changed every Friday. Please ensure that books are returned and in school on this day. Reading book, upon return, will be quarantined for 72 hours before they will be recirculated. It is important that your child reads every day. This can be done independently or with the help of an adult or older sibling. Please also ask the children questions about their book to check their understanding.
Medium Term Plan - Autumn 1
Additional Websites to support home learning