Welcome to Year 1E!
The topic this half term is All About Animals and they will be reading stories by Julia Donaldson. The children’s learning will be linked to the theme of animals ready for our visit to Blackpool zoo on the 2nd July. Hopefully, they will find it exciting and enjoyable. As the topic progresses I will put on pictures of what the children have been getting up to.
Below is a reminder of your child’s weekly routine and any other additional information which may be useful.
PE - Children will require their P.E. kits every Monday. They should then leave it in school until the half term holiday. This will ensure that they don’t regularly forget their P.E. kit.
Reading Books – The children will change their reading books every Monday and Friday. Could you please sign their reading journal to show that your child has read their reading book? Remember, it is important you read with your child for fifteen minutes every evening. Additionally, if you want to change your child’s reading book on Wednesday, Mrs Day will be available after school to change their book.
Library books - The library books will be changed every Wednesday.
Spellings – Children will be given a spelling list every Monday and will be tested on these spellings on Friday. As part of their homework, children will be expected to use three words from the list to write their own sentences on the back of the sheet. This is to be handed in on Friday.
Learning logs – Children will be given a learning log focus on Wednesday linked to the work / topic they have been covering throughout the week. This is to be handed in the following Monday.