Year 3
Welcome Back Year 3
I hope you have had a very enjoyable break and the children are relaxed and recharged for a very busy half term. We have lots of things going on in the next 7 weeks including the Mela, Sports Day and an Everybody Writes week that will be based on horror writing.
Below are links to useful websites that will help your child explore and learn about a variety of topics that we will be looking at. Also throughout the year we will be putting on termly planning and topic webs for you to see exactly what the children will be learning about. We have left photos and planning from last year, so you can see what goes on in Y3. We will constantly update the website with photos, planning, Y3 news and links so please remember to watch this space.
Kind Regards Mr Hyde and the Y3 team!
Our Weekly Routine:
Monday - Wake Up, Shake Up.
Please bring in your spellings as they will be marked and new ones will be given out.
Tuesday - Please make sure you have your P.E kit, as P.E will be today and Thursday.
Wednesday - Wake Up, Shake Up.
Thursday - Please bring in Learning Logs and Reading Books (It is extremely important that you please sign the diary when you've read with your child, as new books will not be given out!)
Friday - New learning log challenge, MyMaths Challenge and new reading books will be given out.
DT Week - Volcanoes
Investigating Rivers
Swimming and Y3/4 Football tournament
Our Recycling Posters
Creating Our Recycling Posters
Life in Year 3
P.E Summer term 2
The coach will work alongside Y3 staff to help support the children and make all the athletic activities inclusive for all.
P.E Summer term 1
The coach will work alongside Y3 staff to help support the children and make all the multi-skills activities inclusive for all.