15th June 2020
Today i would like you to continue to practice your letters you have learnt so far. Please log onto Espresso Discovery and go onto the Foundation section. Once on here click on Literacy and then Phonics. Please select Phase 2/3. Then i would like you to play initial sounds with set 1, 2 and 3.
Start with your finger aerobics counting forwards and backwards from 0-10. Then staying on Espresso Discovery i would like you to go onto Foundation, Maths and Problem Solving. On here click on Activity Centre and then Treasure Chest and see if you can sort the different groups of objects.
I thought today with it being a nice sunny day, you could have some water fun in your garden. Get a washing up bowl of water and some jugs or containers and have fun. Or you could wash your toys in the water. Or you could get a paint brush and use the water to paint different things outside.