Tuesday, 16th June
Hello Year 2,
Here are today's tasks...
This week we will review prefixes and suffixes, today we will start with prefixes.
Prefixes are a group of letters that change the meaning of a word when they are added to the start.
Watch the video and play on the activities.
username: student18273
password: thomas
(Go via KS1, English, Word, 'The prefix un-')
un usually means not. For example, unhappy, unlocked, unfair
Practice your number bonds on Hit the Button. Please try to work on both your number bonds .
to 10 and to 20. I know that lots of you are great at bonds to 10 but still practice them as they support your addition and subtraction work when crossing tens.
Main session
We will continue to look at money and will now focus on selecting different coins to make the same amount. For example to make 50p we could use:
- 1 x 50p
- 5 x 10p
- 2 x 20p and 1 x 10p
There are other ways, can you think of any?
If you can, with permission and the help of a parent, try to look at real notes and coins. You can also look at this document to help you
Afterwards I would like you to try the sheet attached below and check your work against the answers.
Remember, you can either print it, write the answers out or discuss them with a family member.
If your child finds the White Rose sheet fairly easy I have also attached an additional problem solving activity. As that suggests the questions are more tricky, take time and are to extend learning further. They get more difficult as you work through them. The answers are also provided to support you to review the work.
Last week you learned about Africa as a continent and some of the countries that are within it. This week we will begin to learn about a significant individual from South Africa, Nelson Mandela.
Today I would like you to learn more about his life by watching a video and looking at a powerpoint (attached below). You can also try the activity.
Based on this learning create a mind map including key information about Nelson Mandela and his life. We will be using this new knowledge in our next lessons.
Today we will continue our learning about staying safe near water.
Play the games.
After playing the games either draw a sign to warn people to stay safe OR write down your top 6 water safety tips.