8th January 2021
Today i want you to begin by counting up to five putting up a finger every time you say a number. Then once you reach five see if you can count backwards. Our activity today is thinking back to our work on patterns. I want us to look at repeating music patterns. Please see the video and photographs below. Can you continue the patterns? Can you make your own patterns?
Today i would like you to investigate how many different sounds you can make with your bodies e.g. clapping, stamping, clicking, rubbing hands together, tapping knees etc. This is called body percussion. Next you are going to play a game called sounds behind the screen. Take it in turns with your child to stand behind a partially open door so that they can't be seen. They or yourself need to make a sound using the body percussion and the person not making the sound needs to guess how you made the sound. Can they make the same sound?