Hello Year 1,
I hope you have all had a lovely weekend and that you are ready continue this new adventure of learning from home.
This weekend as part of my exercise I went for a walk around my local area and I saw lots of pictures of rainbows in almost every window. These have been put up to spread joy in these slightly scary times. Emmy has already sent me a picture of one on class Dojo! Thank you Emmy! They certainly brightened up my day!
So here’s an idea for you, if you haven’t already … Make a rainbow picture. Be creative! Stick it in your window. You might just brighten up someone’s day.
Warm-up – Count forwards and backwards in ones. Start from different starting points e.g 34,35, 36… or 25, 24, 23…
Let’s find out about weight and mass
Week 1: Lesson 1 – Introduce weight and mass
Watch the video and then attempt the questions.
Either print and complete, write the answers on a separate sheet or discuss the answers with an adult or older brother or sister.
Can you tell me what you have been doing this weekend? Can you write about what you have been doing? Remember to:
- Practice saying your sentence out loud before writing it down.
- Use finger spaces, capital letters and full stops.
- Use your phonics knowledge to spell unfamiliar words
- Try and make your sentences as interesting as possible.
When you have finished why don’t you draw a picture to show me what you have been doing? Then you can post it on Class Dojo.