Welcome to Nursery
Dear Parents,
I hope you have had a lovely Eid and a restful half term. We will still be continuing with home learning until Nursery is open again. So please either check on here daily for your activities or log onto the class dojo. Also please don't forget to send me photos or videos of the activities you have been doing. I am missing you all and so to see your photos and videos is really nice. If you have any questions or worries please contact school and we will help you and i will be ringing you all on Mondays to make sure you are all ok.
Thank you
Miss Birks
If you haven't already done so, please sign into the Class Dojo as i will be using that to set activities and to communicate with the children. It is also a way you can communicate with myself.
A really good and fun thing you can do with your children which will help them burn off some energy and prepare them for learning is to join in with shake your sillies out on You Tube. I will put a link on below for you. The children do this every morning or afternoon when they come into Nursery. It helps them burn energy off and clears their minds ready to focus on more activities. Have fun!
To make it easier to find daily acitivites I will be making new pages for each day. So just scroll down the page and find the correct date and click on that. This will then take you to that days learning. Thank you
27th March 2020
For your phonics today i would like you to think about our sound books we made for Mr Tig Tog and i would like to set you a challenge of finding things around your house that begin with the initial sounds 'a','b','c','d'. For example you could have an apple, bread, carrot and a dog.
Today in maths i want you to do your finger aerobic counting up tio 10 and back. I then want you to get your number cards and put them down in the correct order. Next go round your house and see if you can find objects for all the numbers. For example 1 - 1 book, 2 - 2 socks, 3 - 3 cushions.
I would like you to learn the Nursery rhyme 'Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star' I will put the song on for you below. I would then like you to try and make a star mobile to hang in your rooms. For this you will just need a coat hanger, some cotton and stars. See picture below.
Also Chester Zoo are showing live webcams today on Facebook of the different animals. So ask your Mummies or Daddies if they can show you.
26th March 2020
Today for your phonics you will need your listening ears. I would like you to sit outside for 5 minutes and listen to all the different sounds you can hear and either tell your Mummy or Daddy or ask them to write down what you hear. Then i want you to sit inside in one place for 5 minutes and do the same listening to the different sounds you can hear.
For maths today check out the video below on a shape hunt. Also you can log onto your Purple Mash and do some of the counting activities. Don't forget to do your number aerobics counting up and down 0-10.
Today i would like you to learn the rhyme 'I can sing a rainbow'. There will be a link below for the song. I would then like you all to make your own rainbows and put them in your windows for everybody to see. Don't forget to post a picture of them on the Class Dojo so i can see your beautiful pictures.
Don't forget to log in to the Class Dojo later on today for our story time. There is still time to vote on the Class Dojo which story you would like me to read.
25th March 2020
Mr Tig Tog would like you to play 'Sounds behind a screen'. Think about all the different noises you can make using just your bodies. For example clapping, tapping knees, stamping, voice sounds, clicking fingers. Find a sheet or a blanket and hang it up or get Mummy or Daddy to hold it. You stand behind the screen and make a sound. Can your brothers or sisters guess how your making your sound. Then it is there turn.
Do your finger aerobics by counting to ten. Make sure you put a finger up for every number. Don't forget to shout and hold your hand up when you get to five and then both hands when you get to ten. Make sure that once you reach number ten, you then count back down to zero. Next using your number cards that were in your home learning pack ask Mummy or Daddy to hide them around the house then go on a number hunt to find them. When you find the numbers can you tell Mummy or Daddy which number you have found. Once you have found all the numbers can you put them in order.
After finding the baby lambs whilst walking Mac yesterday i thought today we could sing 'Baa, baa, black sheep'. If you don't know the rhyme you can learn it. Make your own lamb either by drawing it, making one out of boxes, painting one, using cotton wool. I will put a link on below for the Nursery rhyme for you to sing along to. Send me your songs and your pictures on the Class Dojo.
Please log on to the Class Dojo to listen to daily stories and have your vote on which story we can read next.
Please remember to keep checking the website to see photographs of what your children are doing in Nursery.
Some Dogs Do Part One

Some Dogs Do Part Two

Some Dogs Do Part Three

Some Dogs Do Part Four

Some Dogs Do Part Five

Monkey Puzzle Part One

Monkey Puzzle Part Two

Monkey Puzzle Part Three

Monkey Puzzle Part Four

Monkey Puzzle Part Five

Twinkle Twinkle Little Star Mobile
Dinosaur Much part one

Dinosaur Munch part two

Dinosaur Munch the end

Maths Challenge 26th March 2020

Collecting Eggs

How many eggs?

Look what Mac and me found yesterday whilst Mac was having a walk. New born lambs.
Mr Tig Tog's Friends

Mr Tig Tog's Friends

Mr Tig Togs Friends

Mr Tig Togs Friends

Mr Tig Tog's Friends

Mr Tig Tog's Friends

Mr Tig Tog's Friends

Mr Tig Tog's Friends

Mr Tig Tog's Friends