To start today's phonics please can you recap all of your phase 3 and phase 5 sounds.You can use your sound mats or you could use the flash cars on phonics play
Can you now practice your tricky words- You need to be able to read and spell these!
Today we want you to look at the sound 'ph' like in dolphin
Can you practise reading by playing picnic or pluto
Activity 2: Let's make a list
Watch this video and talk about what you see.
Find out what allotments are and what things you can find in them
Can you remember what plants need to grow?
Write down all the fruits and vegetables that you would like to grow. Then write one thing that you could make with each item. For example:
potatoes - mashed potatoes
apples - apple pie
Once you've written down a few, try to write a sentence listing which things you would grow. Remember to use commas in your list.
Friday challenge:
Watch Gareth Malone's singing techniques to help your children warm up their vocal cords ready for singing.
Why do we warm up?
Warming up helps your whole body and your voice prepare to sing.
Like any physical activity, it's good to warm up to get your body ready.
Singing uses your vocal chords. Warming up it makes it easier to give your best and protect your voice.
Sing call and response
Now you've warmed up, let's sing a song. Watch Gareth Malone show you how to use call and response to sing Don't Worry Be Happy with your children.