Tuesday 23rd June
9:00am - 9:30am - Exercise time
https://www.youtube.com/user/thebodycoach1 - Joe Wicks LIVE 9am
https://www.youtube.com/user/CosmicKidsYoga/videos - Kids Yoga
https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC2YBT7HYqCbbvzu3kKZ3wnw - Go Noodle videos
9:30am - 10:30am MATHS
Summer term week 5 Lesson 3 - Find pairs of values
https://vimeo.com/428002579 - Video link for lesson
Watch the video explanation to give you some input before attempting the worksheets.
The worksheets will no longer be posted on the website due to copyright reasons. The worksheet for today's lesson is on Class Dojo for you to complete.
Due to being back in school, I will be unable to mark work sent to me. Therefore, I will be attaching the answers to the class website for the additional work and posting the answers for White Rose on Dojo. Please mark your own work.
10:30am - 11:00am BREAK TIME
Make the most of your break time, you can: go for some fresh air, have a snack, colouring, watch a newsround clip, etc..
- NEWSROUND LINK https://www.bbc.co.uk/newsround/news/watch_newsround
- JUST DANCE LINK https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=JUST+DANCE+VIDEOS
11:00am - 12:15pm LITERACY/READING
Activity 1: Read the 'Naughty dog' blog and identify informal features
Yesterday, we looked at informal and formal language. Today, we are going to be focusing specifically at informal language and what we class as features of informal writing. You will need to use the powerpoint to look at the informal language features. After you have familiarised yourself with them features, I would like you to read the 'Naughty dog' blog and underline any informal features you can find.
Activity 2: Active and Passive voice
Your grammar activity for today is to focus on active and passive voice, which is a grammar feature you have learnt in year 6. You can use the powerpoint for a recap on active or passive voice or use some of the videos below. You need to complete today's active and passive worksheet, which is attached below.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6dMa-y24nw4&t=77s - Active and passive voice
Activity 3: Write your own Blog post
For your writing activity today, I would like you to write your own blog post. I have listed some examples of topics you could choose. I would like you to try and use informal language features, which we identified in the 'Naughty dog' blog we read earlier. Remember, blogs are quite personal so try and make sure yours sounds it.
Ideas to write about:
- A day in lockdown
- Something that your family did
- A celebration you have recently experienced
- About something you are passionate about
12:15pm - 1:15pm LUNCH TIME
1:15pm - 2:30pm FOUNDATION - GEOGRAPHY