13th May 2020
Today i want you to look at the letter 'a'. Watch the video below and see if you say the name (grapheme) and the sound (phoneme). Make sure you do the action as you make the sound. I will also post the phonics song for the letter 'a' so you can sing along with it.
Today in your maths start my ordering your numbers 1-10. See if you can put them in in order quicker than your Mummy or Daddy. Next i want you to think about sizes today and i want you to find me some different things.
I would like you to find me:
1. Something that is taller than your Daddy.
2. Something that is smaller than your Mummy.
3. Something that is taller than you.
4. Something that is smaller than you.
5. Something that is the same size as you.
6. Something that is 5 hands in height.
7. Something that is smaller than your hand.
8. Something that is 10 feet (your feet) long.
9. Something that is as long as your arm.
10.Something that is the same size as your foot.
After watching 'The Very Hungry Caterpillar' yesterday you will all know that the hungry caterpillar turned into a beautiful butterfly. So today i would like you to make me a beautiful butterfly. Please take photographs and post them on the class dojo.
Jolly Phonics letter 'a'

Just Like Tonight Part One

Just Like Tonight Part Two

Just Like Tonight Part Three

Just Like Tonight Part Four

Just Like Tonight Part Five