Monday 13th July
Reading Activities - The Firework-maker's Daughter. I will be reading a chapter a day or splitting a chapter into two parts. Today is Chapter 5.
Link to Chapter -
Maths Activity - End of Year Revision Section C - This section contains 5 word problems that I will go through on the guidance video. Please watch carefully and follow the instructions carefully to ensure you get the right answer as these will be quite difficult. Then this is Maths No Problem officially done. YAY!
Link to Guidance video -
Literacy Activity - Grammar Hammer Y5 Skill Check 1
Spelling Test will occur on Thursday this week and will be on Seesaw. I will read the word out for the children to write one each separate page. . The target is >8 (80% or more). For this week's spellings, we are converting nouns and verbs into adjectives using the suffix -ive. Please practise these everyday. Children to complete handwriting and word-search activities as well as the Word Map activity. This week's spellings are as follows:
- attractive
- creative
- addictive
- assertive
- abusive
- co-operative (don't forget the hyphen!)
- exhaustive
- appreciative
- offensive
- expressive
Art - Lockdown Art - Since March, we have been in lockdown and had to do home-learning. What I would like you to do this week is create your own mural of lockdown based on the events that have happened e.g. Covid, clapping for NHS, Space X Launch, Dojo, etc. I have attached an example I have created to show you. It is not finished as I want the whole page filled so there is no blank space. Create your masterpiece and upload it onto Seesaw. You have all week for this masterpiece.