Year 4T
Welcome to Year 4T
Welcome to our Year 4 page. We hope you have had a wonderful break over the holidays. We have lots of exciting things planned for our final half term.
During this half term we will be learning about animals and humans.
We will be learning about the basic parts of the digestive system and identifying different types of teeth and their functions in humans. We will also be constructing and interpreting a variety of food chains, identifying producers, predators and prey.
In History the children will be continuing to answer the question ‘How can we rediscover the wonders of ancient Egypt?’ During this unit the children will be plotting important dates on a timeline using centuries, looking at and identifying Egyptian artefacts, investigating the lives of rich and poor people and looking at how the Egyptians have helped to shape our lives today. We will also be completing some Egyptian art so look out for this in our classroom.
In geography the children will be answering the question 'Why is the ship canal so important to Manchester?' During this topic we will be looking at the route that the ship canal takes and what types of boats travel along it. We will also be looking at the importance of the ship canal and what it brings to our city.
In Literacy the children will be continuing to learn all about knights exploring the poem Lochinvar.The children will write persuasive letters based on the poem. We will also be using the video Tadeo Jones to link to our history unit on Egypt to help us write a tomb setting description. Finally, we will be reading a fantastic book about a boy called Fizzlebert Stump who lives in a circus. We will be writing character descriptions and our own missing chapter. We will also be visiting the circus as part of our school trip to Blackpool.
In Maths the children will be completing units on mass, weight and measures, coordinates, area and perimeter and shape.
We will be completing Times Tables Rock Stars and early morning work to support the children with other topics we have already completed to consolidate their learning. The children should also practise this at home by competing any given homework and accessing Times Tables Rock Stars at home.
The children have been given logins for Times Tables Rock Stars. They can access the app at home on a laptop or ipad and even get the opportunity to play against the teachers some evenings. Please encourage your child to access the website at home as this will give them much needed practice of the Times Tables they are unsure of.
Please click below to assess the TTRS website
In R.E the children will be learning about the religion of Hinduism and the beliefs and practices.
Please visit this page regularly as it will be updated with photos of our work and links to aid learning. Take a look at our planning documents to find out more about what we will be learning this year.
Children will require their P.E. kits every Thursday and Friday. They should leave it in school until the half term holiday. This will ensure that they don’t regularly forget their P.E. kit. The children will need either pumps or trainers as the children will participate in outdoor and indoor activities throughout the term. If your child doesn’t have the correct footwear, they may not be able to participate in certain activities, which would have a negative impact on their physical development.
Children will be given a spelling list every Friday, please ensure your child practices these as they will be tested on these spellings the following Thursday. To support them further, encourage children to form sentences with the words given.
Learning logs
Children will be given learning log challenges each term which is linked to the work they have been covering throughout the topic. This needs to be handed in on specific dates, please take this opportunity to work with your child and tackle the challenges with a creative, imaginative mind that celebrates you child's ideas. Please take a look at our homework grid below.
Reading books will be changed every Friday. Please ensure that books and signed reading diaries are in school each Monday. Library books will be changed every two weeks. It is important that your child reads every evening. This could be done independently or with the help of an adult or older sibling.
If you have any questions please do not hesitate to speak to us at the end of the school day.
Mrs Taylor and Miss Turner