Thursday, 21st May
Hi everyone,
It was so hot yesterday!
I hope you are all well. I know that many of you will be looking forward celebrating Eid soon. We have got today and tomorrow and then we are off for a week so you will have lots of opportunity to celebrate.
I hope you all have a lovely day.
Mrs T
Here are today's tasks...
Practice number bonds on Hit the Button.
Main session
SUMMER: Week 5 Lesson 2
Complete the lesson on the White Rose hub website (see links below)
- Please watch the video to support your understanding.
- Try the sheet which will be sent to you on Class Dojo.
White Rose Hub initially offered all documents for free but now only offer the videos. We have subscribed as a school so we will still have access to the sheets but I will be adding these and the answer document to our class story each day as it is not a public site.
- Check your work against the answers (added to class story).
Remember, you can either print it, write the answers out or discuss them with a family member.
If your child finds the White Rose sheet fairly easy I have also attached an additional problem solving activity. As that suggests the questions are more tricky, take time and are to extend learning further. They get more difficult as you work through them. The answers are also provided to support you to review the work.
Today it's reading and understanding what you are reading (comprehension).
Remember the answers will be in the text for you to find (retrieval) Sometimes you have to use the clues in the text to work out your answer (inference, prediction and explanation).
If you come across any words (vocabulary) in the text you don't understand - find out what it means - new words are useful in your writing.
Finally, you may need to look at the order of the text(sequence) and think about what you read first, second, third.
Use your VIPERS knowledge to help you comprehend the text!
Today's reading comprehension sheet is based on Captain Blackbeard and you will find the sheet and the answer sheet attached below.
We are going to learn about another significant individual from the past. I was so impressed at the fantastic learning you did on Emmeline Pankhurst so today we shall learn about Rosa Parks. Her name may be familiar to some of you as she was discussed in one of our school assemblies.
Please click on this link to watch some videos about her life and for some activities to complete.