In Physical Education we help children flourish by promoting physical health and well-being, fostering teamwork and cooperation through sports and games, and providing opportunities for outdoor adventures and exploration, nurturing a sense of awe and connection with the natural world.
Physical Education at St Thomas's CEP School
At St Thomas's, we aim to educate both adults and children to develop a greater understanding of the benefits of physical activity and healthy living. Children need to practise skills on a daily basis to show commitment to keeping their bodies healthy. This will promote long term healthy, active lifestyle choices. It is our responsibility to empower the children to build knowledge, improve skills and deepen social wellbeing within a fruitful partnership between home, school and the community.
Physical Education develops the children's knowledge, skills and understanding, so that they can perform with increasing competence and confidence in a range of physical activities. These include multi-skills and invasion games, net and ball games, dance, gymnastics, athletics, outdoor activities and swimming.
In every P.E lesson our aim is to nurture confident, resilient children who strive to achieve their potential through a wealth of competitive experiences. We encourage a positive attitude towards winning and an accepting approach towards losing within a wide range of sports. This way everyone can celebrate varying sports, skills and success in themselves and others in school.
All our P.E lessons use a variety of teaching and learning styles to support and develop the children's knowledge, skills and understanding. The P.E lessons are inclusive for all our children and cater for all individuals needs and strengths. The teachers work alongside a sports coach to provide the children with the highest of quality teaching and learning within a wide variety of different physical activities and competitive games. Every lesson promotes team and individual challenges to enhance the children's development while supports through tailored modelling, recapping and continual practice to reinforce the children's understanding and prior knowledge to succeed.
Summer Term 2 - Striking and Fielding
This term the children will learn a variety of different skills to perform within aspects of Striking and Fielding challenges within Cricket, Rounders and Hockey, with a focus on how to run, throw and how to strike a ball using a variety of different equipment in groups and competitively. If a focus on the importance of team work and understanding rules within games.
EYFS & Year 1
Pupils will experience working with a variety of equipment and to develop individual skills leading to co-operative play. In all games activities, pupils will learn core skills relevant to striking and fielding games, including sending, receiving, batting and bowling & chasing. Pupils will begin to make use of space and start to think about outwitting an opponent. Will begin to watch and describe others’ performances, as well as their own. To develop an attitude of fair play, sportsmanship and enjoyment while using a set of rules.
Year 2
Pupils will experience working with a variety of equipment and to develop individual skills leading to co-operative play. In all games activities, pupils will learn core skills relevant to striking and fielding games, including sending, receiving, batting and bowling & chasing. Pupils will begin to make use of space and start to think about outwitting an opponent. Will begin to watch and describe others’ performances, as well as their own. To develop an attitude of fair play, sportsmanship and enjoyment while using a set of rules.
Pupils will develop the skills necessary to outwit opponents. Batting, bowling and fielding will be developed through modified small sided games and conditional situations. Pupils should begin to combine skills to create effective performances. Demonstrating high quality performances and accurate replication will be assessed.
Year 3
Pupils will be introduced to and develop a range of sending, receiving, batting and bowling skills, especially in specific striking and fielding games. Pupils will work on the common skills and principles, including attack and defence. To develop an attitude of fair play, sportsmanship and enjoyment.
Pupils will explore different ways of striking to a partner or in a team using a variety of bats, sticks and rackets. Pupils will learn to apply consistency & quality in the use of techniques for batting, bowling and fielding. Continual development, adaptation and refinement of the necessary skills will contribute to producing an improved performance & technique.
Year 4
Pupils will further develop a range of sending, receiving, batting and bowling skills, especially in specific striking and fielding games. Pupils will work on the common skills and principles, including attack and defence within a range of set rules. To develop the ability to work within a small group and enhance communication skills.
Pupils will explore different ways of striking to a partner or in a team using a variety of bats, sticks and rackets. Pupils will learn to apply consistency & quality in the use of techniques for batting, bowling and fielding. Continual development, adaptation and refinement of the necessary skills will contribute to producing an improved performance & technique.
Year 5 & Year 6
In this unit pupils will improve the basic skills of sending, receiving, batting and bowling. Pupils will play small-sided and modified competitive striking/fielding games. Pupils will work on the common skills and principles, including attack and defence to play both kiwk cricket and rounders. To develop an attitude of fair play, sportsmanship and enjoyment.
Pupils will understand the concepts of cricket and make effective evaluations of strength and weaknesses in performance. Self evaluation- suggest areas for improvement. Peer coaching (i.e. watch each other playing and refine their skills). Use demonstrations effectively to highlight good work (what others are doing and copy how others act and work).
Summer Term 1 - Athletics
This term the children will learn a variety of different skills to perform within aspects of Athletic challenges both from track and field, with a focus on how to run, jump, throw and setting personal best and competing with others.
Reception/ Year 1
Pupils will be introduced to and develop a range of challenges that builds on the children’s running, jumping, throwing and catching skills. Each lesson will link to the children’s ability be able to move within a variety of athletic activities that builds on prior knowledge and development of spatial awareness, balancing, jumping, running, catching, throwing and body movements. Focusing on building stamina and fitness. This will all be within athletic activities that help develop gross and motor skills.
Through the activities in this unit pupils will be able to understand and use words relating to:
Fitness, health, personal challenge, heart rate, physical, mental and well-being. While using key vocab related to throwing, catching and running. Move with ease and show control in a range of physical contexts. Generate & implement ideas and strategies to solve problems. Use personal challenge as a way of improving and developing.
Year 2 - 4
Pupils will be introduced to and develop a range athletic challenge. Each lesson will link to the benefits of Health and Well-Being. To be able to move within a variety of athletic activities that builds on prior knowledge of spatial awareness, balancing, jumping, running, catching, throwing and body movements, stamina and fitness. This will all be within activities that help develop eye-hand co-ordination, aim, speed, strength, power and understanding of Personal Best.
Through the activities in this unit pupils will be able to understand and use words relating to:
Show control, coordination and consistency when running. Show control, coordination and consistency when throwing and catching. Show control, coordination and consistency when jumping. Move with ease and show control in a range of physical contexts Generate & implement ideas and strategies to solve problems. Use personal challenge as a way of improving and developing jumping, running, throwing and catching.
Year 5 -6
Pupils will be introduced to and develop a range athletic challenge. Each lesson will link to the benefits of Health and Well-Being. To be able to move within a variety of athletic activities that builds on prior knowledge of spatial awareness, balancing, jumping, running, catching, throwing and body movements, stamina and fitness. This will all be within activities that help develop eye-hand co-ordination, aim, speed, strength, power and understanding of Personal Best.
Through the activities in this unit pupils will be able to understand and use words relating to:
Show control, coordination and consistency when running. Show control, coordination and consistency when throwing and catching. Show control, coordination and consistency when jumping. Move with ease and show control in a range of physical contexts. Generate & implement ideas and strategies to solve problems. Use personal challenge as a way of improving and developing jumping, running, throwing and catching.
Spring 2 Term - Dance
This half term in PE the children will being learning how to compose and perform a variety of different dances. Each year group will work in small dance troupes and whole class to learn a dance from different historical or cultural origins.
Reception - The Beach - Use size of movement, space and beach activities, explore jumping and gesture to adapt a dance sequence.
To explore, remember, repeat and link a range of actions with coordination, control and an awareness of the expressive qualities of dance. Children compose and perform a short dance that express and communicate moods, ideas and feelings, choosing and varying simple compositional ideas.
Y1 - Jungle - Use size of movement and animal qualities/characteristics to adapt a dance sequence.
The children will learn to move confidently and safely in their own and general space whilst exploring basic actions, e.g. travelling, jumping and balancing. They create and repeat a variety of short dances inspired by a range of stimuli.
Y2 - Hoedown - Learn the key movements of the DDMIX Lumberjack hoedown dance, demonstrating clear dynamics.
To explore, remember, repeat and link a range of actions with coordination, control and an awareness of the expressive qualities of dance. Children compose and perform a dance that express and communicate moods, ideas and feelings, choosing and varying simple compositional ideas.
Y3 - To demonstrate the use of dynamics through a Japanese dance.
The children will learn and perform a Japanese dance, focusing on creating, adapting and linking a range of dance actions. These are inspired by a traditional, social and historical dance. They work with a partner and in small groups. As they work, they develop an awareness of the historical and cultural origins of the dance.
Y4 - To learn the 1980s key movements to form a dance. Performing within a dance troupe using changes of level and direction.
The children will focus on creating characters and narrative through movement and gesture. They gain inspiration from a range of subjects, and work in small groups. In dance as a whole, children should think about how to use movement to explore and communicate ideas and issues, and their own feelings and thoughts. As they work, they develop an awareness of the origins of an 1980's dance.
Y5 - To learn the key movements of an Arabic dance, demonstrating clear dynamics.
The children learn different styles of dance and focus on dancing with other people., They create, perform and watch dances in a range of styles working within a small group and whole dance troupe. In dance as a whole, children think about how to use movement to explore and communicate ideas and issues, and their own feelings and thoughts. As they work, they
develop an awareness of the historical and cultural origins of an Arabic dance.
Y56 & Y6 - Learn the key movements of a Bollywood dance, demonstrating clear dynamics.
The children will focus on different characters and visual images as the starting point for composing, performing and watching dance. In dance as a whole, children should think about how to use movement to explore and communicate ideas and issues, and their own feelings and thoughts. As they work, they develop an awareness of the historical and cultural origins of a Bollywood dance.
Spring Term 1 - Gymnastics
Reception & Year 1:
Children investigate movement, stillness and how to find and use space safely. They explore basic gymnastic actions on the floor and using apparatus. They copy or create, remember and respect, short movement phases of linked actions e.g. Roll, Balance, movement and Jump
Year 2:
Children to work as individuals and with a partner to progress gymnastic skills covered in Key Stage one working through a variety of actions to create sequences on floor and also on apparatus as individuals, with a partner and in small groups. To develop the 2-foot to 2-foot jump on floor.
Year 3:
Children continue to explore gymnastic skills and actions on the floor and using a variety of small apparatus. Exploring ways in which to create and perform a short sequence as an individual and to mirror and match a short sequence with a partner. To develop an understanding of jumps with half and full turn on floor and off a raised platform. As an individual, with a partner and in a small group create short action phases of linked actions and different movement concepts.
Year 4:
Children to work as individuals and with a partner to develop key gymnastic skills and working through a variety of actions to create sequences on floor and also on apparatus as an individual and also with a partner. Understand and develop how to move as a group in a variety of directions and pathways, To learn and understand how to perform a variety of exits from a roll including standing and develop knowledge to travel towards and away from a rocking and rolling action. Developing sequence building on floor by up skilling and progressing, to include Jump, roll and balance all linked by travel.
Year 5 & 6:
Children to work as individuals and with a partner to develop key gymnastic skills and working through a variety of actions to create sequences that can be performed on floor and also on apparatus. To explore and develop new ways to work with a variety of hand apparatus and combine the activity with other gymnastic movement. To further develop a knowledge and understanding of travelling ‘towards’ and ‘away from’ a rolling activity, along with learning how to safely roll backward and to enjoy working others to improve performance and technique. Further develop sequence building on floor by up skilling and progressing, to perform as an individual and with a partner and introduce a variety of movement concepts.
Bee Proud - Boccia Event
Autumn Term 1 & 2 2023-24
The termly objective for whole school is Fundamental movements within Games.
Reception - Fundamental Movements
To be able to move within a variety of circuit activities that builds on prior knowledge and development of spatial awareness, balancing, jumping, running, catching, throwing and body movements. Focusing on building stamina and fitness. This will all be within circuit training activities that help develop gross and motor skills.
Year 1-3 - Fundamental Movements and Strength building.
To be able to move within a variety of circuit activities that builds on prior knowledge of spatial awareness, balancing, jumping, running, catching, throwing and body movements, stamina and fitness. This will all be within circuit training activities that help develop eye-hand co-ordination, aim, speed, strength, power and understanding of Personal Best and how to challenge themselves to improve within timed activities.
Year 4-6 - Fundamental Movements, Strength building and achieving Personal Best and individual growth.
To be able to move within a variety of circuit activities that uses prior knowledge and development of spatial awareness, balancing, jumping, running, catching, throwing and body movements, stamina, speed, strength and fitness. This will all be within circuit training activities that help develop eye-hand co-ordination, aim, speed, strength, power and understanding of Personal Best and how to challenge themselves to improve within timed activities. The activities will also include elements of partner work to time and count plus motivate and challenge each other to achieve greater results and fitness and understanding of all the elements learnt to push themselves.
Autumn 1 & 2 PE Photos - Fundamental Movements and Games
Olympian Fund Raising Event with Sports for Schools
PE Documentation & Policy 2024-25
Evidence of Sports Funding 2022-23
Evidence of PE 2022-23
Athletics - Throwing, catching, running and jumping
Gymnastics - Travels, Movements, Leaps and Jumps
Fitness & Fundamental Games
Sports for Schools Event
These are some photos to show the amazing sporting event we had today with Antony Cotterill.
The children absolutely loved taking part in the fitness circuits, showing amazing commitment and passion to complete the activities. I was very proud of all our children's determination to participate and push themselves physically to achieve their personal bests.
I was also extremely touched by how our children were so engaged in hearing Antony's life story and proud of the thoughtful questions they asked.
We are very lucky at St Thomas's to have a school full of inquisitive, passionate and thoughtful children who pride themselves in challenging themselves mentally and physically everyday. You should all be proud of your children for making this school a truly amazing place to teach and learn in.
Can I also say a massive thank you to all that have donated online or brought into school. We still have over the half term to raise as much as we can to support our school, our community and Sport England, so please can I ask that you help your child raise as much as they can and then bring it into school by Wednesday 2nd November, which is the first Wednesday back after half term so the office can total it all up with the online donations for a final amount.
I hope you all have a lovely half term break and again say a massive thank you for all your support. We are very lucky to have such a wonderful supportive parent/school relationship that makes St Thomas's great and a wonderful place for all our children to grow.
Thank you so so much
Mr Hyde
Sports Event with Antony Cotterill
Boys 6-a-side Football Tournament
Fundamental Movements
Cross country
Panathlon Tournament
Abu-Bakr with his World Champions Medals
Our World Champion
Abu-Bakr represented Great Britain at the Martial Arts World Championships. He did us very proud by coming back with, not only bronze and silver medals for two events. But a gold medal and the title of World Champion for his third event.
The school helped raise him over £250 pounds to go towards kit and badge costs, we are very proud of his achievements and are honoured to have a World Champion in our school family.
Well Done Abu-Bakr