Wednesday 22nd April
9:00am - 9:30am WAKE UP AND SHAKE UP - Joe Wicks LIVE
9:30am - 10:30am MATHS
Week 1 Lesson 3 - Introducing the ratio symbol
Watch the video explanation to give you some input before attempting the worksheets.
Need more explanation? Look at the link below:
Worksheet and answer sheets are below:
10:30am - 11:00am BREAK TIME
Make the most of your break time, you can: go for some fresh air, have a snack, colouring, watch a newsround clip, etc..
11:00pm - 12:15pm LITERACY/READING
Activity 1: Active and Passive voice
- Read over the active ans passive voice revision cards to help you remember what they both mean.
- Complete activity A and B on active and passive voice.
- Still struggling with active and passive voice? Watch the video:
- Mark your work with the answer sheets below:
Activity 2: Reading Comprehension work
- Read Extract A, B and C about Buckbeak.
- Answer the questions about the extracts. The minimum expectation is to complete the questions on extract A and B. If you would like to push yourself, you can try the questions on extract C.
- Mark your answers with an adult. If some of your answers are not on the mark scheme, message me on ClassDojo and I will check if your answer can have a mark.
Activity 3: SAVE Buckbeak writing task
- Buckbeak is in trouble and it is your job to provide some evidence for why he should be saved. This will be read out as part of a court reading so think about your formality.
- Can you include some sentences which include passive voice?
- Send me your writing on ClassDojo so I can read them!
12:15pm - 1:15pm LUNCH TIME
1:15pm - 2:30pm FOUNDATION
Today's science lesson is going to be on Evolution. You are going to access the lesson on Oak National Academy, which is a scheme which has been set up by the government. You will need to click the link to go to the lesson. You have the option to test your knowledge before the lesson with the quiz at the start. You do not have to do it if you do not want to. You will need to listen to the video all the way through as there is information shared to help you answer the questions throughout the lesson. I will attach a copy of them questions below so it is easier for you to show me what you have done via ClassDojo. I recommend you take notes whilst the teacher is talking so you can look back on the notes to help you. You can go backwards or pause the video to take these notes if need be. Have fun year 6!
2:30pm - 3:00pm TTRS
You can have some time on TTRS to end the day. On Friday at 2:30pm, a battle against 6J will go ahead. Get practising for the battle 6T! If you have not got your username and password, I will message you it on ClassDojo