11th May 2020
For your phonics today i would like you to find things around your home that begin with the sounds in your name. For example if your name was 'Tom' you could find a tissue, an orange and a mat.
Today i would like you to begin by doing your finger aerobics counting forwards and backwards from 0-10. Next i want you to either get your number cards 0-10 or some chalk to chalk numbers on the floor in your back garden. I want you to put your numbers in order. If you find it easy to order numbers 0-10 then extend it up to 15. Once you have your numbers in order i want you to stand back. Next ask Mummy or Daddy to shout out a number and you have to jump on that number as quickly as possible.
Today i would like you to log onto Discovery Espresso Username: student18273 Password: thomas once on please click on Foundation, then click on Understanding the World. Next click on New Life and once on here i would like you to click on videos. Please watch the video on 'Baby Animals'. After you have watched this please click on Activities and i would like you to play 'Animal Snap'.