Good morning children and parents and welcome to week 8 of home learning- can you believe it? We are hoping that we can get back to 'normal' so we can see all your beautiful faces again at school. We hope you have had a lovely weekend in the sunshine. Make sure you enjoy times outside with your family whilst we have got this lovely weather. We are looking forward to seeing what you get up to this week.
Mrs Worrell and Mrs Hussain
To start today's phonics please can you recap all of your phase 3 and phase 5 sounds.You can use your sound mats or you could use the flash cars on phonics play
Can you now practise your tricky words- You need to be able to read and spell these
This week we are going to be looking at split diagraphs- children find these very tricky.
Today we are going to be looking at a_e like in cake.
Can you read and write these words?
frame space
plane behave
shape whale
stage drape
flame blade
You can now practise by playing a game on phonics play or i have put some different sheets at the bottom of this page.
This can be done throughout the week
Watch TV presenter Naomi Wilkinson read an extract from Cyril and Pat .
Think about the following questions.
Who are the two main characters?
Where are they?
What happens?
Now watch Naomi read another extract from Cyril and Pat and think about the following questions.
Who is talking in this extract?
Are you happy with the ending?
Now read the extracts and complete activities 1-3.
Lesson 1. Number bonds
Print out the questions sheet to record your answers or write them down and ask an adult to check them.
Today we are going to learn about Africa. Please watch the video about Uncle Bob
Now watch the Go Jetters funky facts about Africa.
Activity 1
Do you remember what we saw in Nigeria?
Drag the things that Freya and Rodge saw in Nigeria onto the picture.
Activity 2
Play Pirate Bunnies: World Adventures
Are you ready for an adventure?
Hop on Captain Carrot’s ship and explore the UK and the rest of the world with the Pirate Bunnies!
You can earn treasure by completing quests
Now i would like you to create a map of Africa. Can you identify the capital city of Africa and any other cities and famous landmarks. You could draw or make a model of a landmark in Africa? We would love to see what you have created.