Monday 6th July
Reading Activities - The Firework-maker's Daughter. The next two weeks I will be reading a story by the author Philip Pullman called 'The Firework-maker's Daughter'. I will be reading a chapter a day or splitting a chapter into two parts. Today is Chapter 1.
Link to Chapter -
Maths Activity - MNP Review 13 - This is the review for the Volume chapter of MNP. It covers questions from all the 10 lessons taught. There are 2 word problems on the last page which I will give you the bar models to use.
Link to Guidance video -
Literacy Activity - Grammar Hammer Y5 Skill Check 15
Spelling Test will occur on Friday and will be on Seesaw. I will read the word out for the children to write one each separate page. . The target is >8 (80% or more). For this week's spellings, we are converting nouns and verbs into adjectives using the suffix -ful. Please practise these everyday. Children to complete handwriting and word-search activities as well as Crack the Code activity. This week's spellings are as follows:
- boastful
- faithful
- doubtful
- fearful
- thankful
- beautiful
- pitiful
- plentiful
- fanciful
- merciful