Tuesday 28th April
Good Morning Year 1,
There was some great work completed yesterday, I have shared some of your fantastic efforts on class story.
Let’s see how many of can complete today’s activities. Remember to show me what you have been doing.
Mrs E
Phonics |
Continue with activities in the daily phonics and reading activities on the website. Recap phase 3 and phase 5 sounds from sound mats or on phonics play.
To start the session can you practice your tricky words. Remember you can't sound these words out.
Today we want you to look at 'ou' like in cloud 'ow' like in down Can you read and write these words:
pound down mouse clown cloud frown loud allow without towel
Write the words on flash cards and sort into the column with the correct diagraph.
Can you think of any more words you could put in your chart? Or Can you play Buried Treasure game and practice the sounds. https://www.phonicsplay.co.uk/
Maths |
Warm-up – Can you order numbers up to 100 – forwards and backwards
Choose 4, 2 digit numbers and order them from the smallest to largest or largest to smallest.
You can play ordering numbers – to support the activity https://www.topmarks.co.uk/ordering-and-sequencing/caterpillar-ordering
Complete the lesson on the White Rose hub website (see links below)
https://whiterosemaths.com/homelearning/year-1/ Week 3: Lesson 2– Making equal groups – grouping
Watch the video and then attempt the questions.
Either print and complete, write the answers on a separate sheet or discuss the answers with an adult or older brother or sister.
Literacy |
Re-read our new story called The Way Back Home by Oliver Jeffries. See powerpoint below.
You can also hear it being read – see link below https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RbyUrb0X5iU
Can you create a story map to show what happens in the story? Can you retell the main parts of the story to someone in your family?
Topic |
The little boy in our story goes to space. Do you know anything about Space? Can you find out something about space? Can you send me a short video about what you have found out or write some sentences about what you have found out? Can you draw a picture of the moon or the planets?
You decide what you would like to do and I am looking forward to seeing what you choose to do.
Remember, you can post your work on Class Dojo to show me what you have done. There are lots of dojo points on offer!