11th June 2020
Today i would like you to learn the new letter 'c'. Please watch the video and practise saying the name sound and action. Then learn the song with the jolly phonics song.
Today i would like you to begin my doing your finger aerobics counting forwards and backwards from 0-10. Next i would like you to play a number game. You will need a dice. Your going to roll your dice and say what number you have got. I then want you to go and have a look around your house for that many items e.g. if i roll a number 4 i might find four windows in my house.
For your activity today i would like you to start learning some makaton signs. Makaton is a great communication tool and a good skill to learn. Please watch the video below and then send me your videos of your signing on the class dojo.
Jolly Phonics letter 'c'

Activity - Makaton Family signs

Barn on Fire Part One

Barn on Fire Part Two

Barn on Fire Part Three

Barn on Fire Part Four