Monday 20th April
Reading Activities - Chapter 7 and 8 of Evacuee. These are two separate videos so ensure you tick both boxes after listening to the chapters to prove you have listened to them.
Maths Activity - Multi-step Problems from Home Learning Pack - Pages 8,9,10
Literacy Activity - Dinosaurs Comprehension from Home Learning Pack - Pages 33-37
Spelling Test will occur on Friday and be on Seesaw. I will read the word out for the children to write one each separate page. . The target is >8 (80% or more). For this week's spellings, we are looking at words containing the letter string 'ough'. Children to complete, handwriting, crossword and word-search activities. This week's spellings are as follows:
- though
- although
- dough
- doughnut
- through
- cough
- trough
- rough
- tough
- enough