Welcome to Year 1/2HW!
Please visit this page regularly as it will be updated with photos and topics that you child will be learning throughout the year.
Home Learning
Please click on the stars to find the information to help you with your child's learning.
Important information.
Reading Books
Reading books will be changed every Tuesday. Please make sure your child's book is in school and their diary has been signed. It is very important that you read with your child every night.
Children will have PE every Tuesday. Please make sure your child's full PE kit is in school.
Learning Logs
Children will be given learning log challenges at the beginning of every half term. Please make sure your child completes one challenge every week. Please bring this in on a Friday where they will be given the opportunity to share their work with the rest of the class.
Your child will be given spellings every Friday and will be tested the following Friday. Please practice them with your child.
If you have an questions please don't hesitate to speak to us.
Mrs Worrell and Mrs Hussain
Mrs Hussain- Monday, Tuesday morning and Wednesday.
Mrs Worrell- Wednesday afternoon, Thursday and Friday
Mrs Shaine- Full time Teaching Assistant.
20.3.20 Today we planted seeds for our Mums for Mothers day. We wrote our own set of instructions too. We are looking forward to seeing them grow.
5.3.20 - Today we were learning about length and height. We got into order starting with the smallest all the way to the tallest.
We started our topic in Geography by looking at maps and atlases. We discussed with our friends what we could see and any islands we spotted.