Monday 1st June
Hello and welcome to our last half term of the year. Not quite how we imagined it but I am still looking forward to working with you all and seeing what we can achieve in the last term.
I have uploaded tasks for this week onto Class Dojo and will continue to do this each week.
I was super impressed by the amazing work you all did last half term, it made me so happy and proud to see you all working so hard at home.
I can't wait to see more of your fabulous work this half term.
Don't forget to follow the daily timetable we sent out in the home learning packs as it will help to structure the day and stop the children feeling bored.
Twinkl have a daily timetable you can also follow. They change the activities each day.
Remember to get lots of fresh air and exercise as much as you can. We have been so lucky with the weather, let's hope it stays!
Miss Ebsworth.
What has Dicky been up to?
VE Day Activities Document.
Monday 11th May
Hello everyone, I hope you all had a lovely weekend.
This week I would like you to continue with your daily maths and phonics focusing on phase 3 digraphs and tricky words in phonics and continuing to focus on numbers 0-20 in maths, as well as pattern. Don't forget to use the websites provided on this page to help you.
Please still be reading with your children daily. If you don't have many books at home you can use this link to access an online library.
I will be uploading another story this week onto dojo as last weeks story 'Superworm' was such a success so keep your eyes out for that too!
I hope you're all well, I am missing you all and our classroom very much.
Miss Ebsworth.
Monday 20th April
Welcome back after the Easter break. I hope you all had a rest and made the most of the lovely weather.
If you haven't already done so, please sign into Class Dojo as I will be using that to set some activities and also to communicate with yourself and the children. Please remember that this is a learning platform, therefore ensure that all comments posted are appropriate.
If you are struggling with Class Dojo and need more information about it please watch the video link below.
I will update you through Class Dojo and the school website as often as I can.
Don't forget to use the daily timetable that was sent home in the learning pack. This is a way to structure the day to make it easier for the children and yourselves. Make sure your child is reading everyday, along with the daily phonics and maths. Try to get lots of fresh air if you can too!
I have attached a document from the government below with advice on how to support your children's education during COVID-19.
We are missing you all and hope to see you all soon!
Friday 3rd April
Hi everybody! It's been great keeping in touch with parents and children on class dojo and through our weekly phone calls. If you haven't signed up to class dojo already please find the login details in your home learning pack. I have been sharing photo's and sending tasks to keep you busy.
Here are some good websites to give you some ideas if you need it:
This website has some practical maths ideas specific for Early Years.
Username: march20 Password: home
This is a great resource to practise sounds with your children and play some reading games.
Please note this website may not be available on iPad or tablet.
Alphablocks is a great programme that you can watch with your child to help with phonics.
Similar to numberblocks, a great programme to watch to help children with their maths.
Please make sure you are still reading at home. Reading with your child everyday is very important. Use the books sent home from school to help your child with their reading. Make sure to read for pleasure also. This could be a daily bedtime story.
Twinkl have also given parents the opportunity to use the resources on their website for free. I have attached the link below. The 3-5 section under Early Years title will provide you with many activities and resources for all subjects.
Hope you are all well and looking after each other. I am missing you all so much. Speak to you all soon.
All teaching staff will have an Easter break from Monday 6th April until Friday 17th April. We will not be available to contact through any of the online systems.
Three Billy Goats Gruff part 1.

Three Billy Goats Gruff part 2.

We had a stay and read with our mummy's and daddy's.
We loved making our own song about pancakes.

This week we read Mr Wolf's Pancakes.
We have been reading the Three Little Pigs.
Santa Express Trip 2019
We had our Christmas party and Santa came to visit!
Star of the week - Wali
We had a stay and play.

Star of the Week - Iszak!
We have been practising our nursery rhymes.

We learned Makaton sign language to Baa Baa Black Sheep.

We have been super busy this today. Have a look at what we've been up to!