Monday, 1st June
Good morning Year 2,
I hope you have had a wonderful half term and you have been enjoying the lovely weather and been playing outside. I went on lots of walks, attempted some baking and spent lots of time in the garden. Our cress that we planted has grown enough that I could have some on my salad, my daughters were very excited. Our chives are getting there and the sunflowers have just popped through and are starting to grow. 10, 9, 8, 7, 6......Blast off!!! I also loved watching the space launch on Saturday, it was very exciting. How brave are Doug and Bob!
For all those celebrating Eid I hope that you had a lovely time. I would love to see how you celebrated this year.
Have a great week.
Mrs T
Practice number bonds on Hit the Button.
Main session
SUMMER: Week 5 Lesson 3 The 2 times table
Complete the lesson on the White Rose hub website (see links below)
- Please watch the video to support your understanding.
- Try the sheet which will be sent to you on Class Dojo.
White Rose Hub initially offered all documents for free but now only offer the videos. We have subscribed as a school so we will still have access to the sheets but I will be adding these and the answer document to our class story each day as it is not a public site.
- Check your work against the answers (added to class story).
Remember, you can either print it, write the answers out or discuss them with a family member.
If your child finds the White Rose sheet fairly easy I have also attached an additional problem solving activity. As that suggests the questions are more tricky, take time and are to extend learning further. They get more difficult as you work through them. The answers are also provided to support you to review the work.
If you celebrated Eid over the holiday I would love to know what you did. Can you write some sentences to tell me what you got up to. If you didn’t celebrate Eid why don’t you tell me about what you did. Did you play any games with your family, go for a walk or do any baking? Did you watch the rocket launch? Were you lucky enough to see it in the skies above?
Remember to use our key grammar, capital letters and full stops along with connectives (and, but, so) and conjunctions (because, when, if, that). If you have any photos you could send me a couple to go with your writing or you could draw me a lovely picture.
Common exception words
This week I would also like you to look over our Year 2 common exception words. These are words that we need to be able to read and spell by the end of year 2. I have also added the Year 1 common exception words in to as you need to ensure you can read and spell all these before moving to the Year 2 words. These will all be familiar to you as we review them regularly in class. I have also attached this sheet at the bottom of the page.
Today, take some time to review them. Can you read them all? What about 'steak'? We all kept getting a little confused about this one! Are there any that you know you find tricky to read or spell? Each day I will be setting activities related to these.
Design Technology
You many have already seen this at the start of the half term on our school story but this week we would like you design your own superhero teddy bear. This is a school project and there will be a winner picked from each class and then an overall winner which will be made into a bear. Please send us your completed entry on Class Dojo by 3pm this Thursday. There is a template at the bottom of this page but feel free to use your own or draw free hand.